
Problems with walking my puppy??

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My puppy has gotten use to the collar and leash (which is great)..but everytime I take her for a walk she would walk fine with me then she would go purposely lay on someone's front yard and wont would I let her keep on following me? I tug her collar a bit and call her to come to me in a firm voice "Chloe come here" but she still doesn't listen time to time..and when she actually listens then she just stays still on the sidewalk and if I tug a bit she would yelp and kinda go crazy. How would I go about this problem? Thanks.




  1. Spray her wtih water everytime she doesn't listen.

    She'll catch on VERY quickly.

  2. It sounds as if you may be forcing her to walk further and more than she's ready for. Have you tried giving her treats while she is walking good? Positive praise reinforcement is also important. What kind of collar are you using while walking? Is it a harness  or a gentle leader? How long is the leash?

    You might want to try shorter and more frequent walks until she is going the whole time without sitting down and staying there. Add a little on every few days. Time of day and the temp will also be factors. She might just be to hot to go on. Try walking her in the early morning and before bed at night.  

  3. When she does this...go to her... raise the collar high on her neck...and continue tugging. She will learn she is not making the rules. Dont use her name... dont say anything... just walk over, move the collar,and continue walking. DO NOT CARRY HER! I would just continue like she is not making a sound. when you get her walking after a fit... tell her good girl by making the walk a lill longer. dont let her think that she can make you do something by screaming and making a show... the more fight... the more you make sure that she does not get her way. if you have to...make sureyou use a slip or a choke collar... But high on her neck so she can not choke with it. She will learn that she can not do this soon enough.

    Dont give up... she sounds cute and im sure she is worth the fight!

  4. Hmm, it could be that:

    1. She is tired. How long are your walks?

    2. She is being stubborn and just wants to be able to do whatever she wants. When she yelps and goes crazy, does she bite the leash? What does she do there? How do you respond?

    To make sure it is not (1), try shortening your walks. You may also bring out a tug-toy with you to make things more fun for her. Let her stop from time to time to smell around.

    However, she doesn't get to be stubborn and she definitely doesn't get to leash bite. My dog used to do that to me too when he didn't feel like moving on or when he wanted to go in a particular direction. When he does this, I just hold the lead really close to his collar (so I have good control) and move him along at a brisk pace home. I ignore him the whole time, and he doesn't get to stop or smell at anything. I just use a normal thick flat collar. This way, your dog learns that if she starts acting out during the walk, the walk ends.

  5. How old is your puppy?  If she is really young she may be scared and unsure about the big world around her.  Our dog had some problems walking in the beginning to so we kept some treats in our pockets and took it slow.

    We get her to sit down beside us and then walk a couple of steps.  When she caught up with us we gave her lots of love and a treat.  When she put up a big fuss and wouldn't come forward I took one step back and showed her the treat.  Usually she would come forward and I would take a couple of steps before rewarding her. We didn't give her a treat every time, but eventually she didn't know whether or not she was getting a treat... but must of thought to herself she had to find out.  

    Now she is almost 4 months old and loves her walks.  She only gets a treat when we get home.  

    Don't worry she will get there... the world is a scary place full of different sounds and smells for a pup.  Help her gain confidence and she will get there.  Also, remember, pups get tired out really quickly so try taking shorter walks and gradually increasing over time.

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