
Procedure to purchase the landed property on which enquiry under section 22a of Indian Forest Act is pendig?

by Guest57518  |  earlier

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Procedure to purchase the landed property on which enquiry under section 22a of Indian Forest Act is pendig?




  1. Section 22 of the Indian Forest Act, 1927 deals with power to revise arrangement made under section 15 or section 18. The relevant section states that, "The State Government may, within five years from the publication of any notification under section 20, revise any arrangement made under section 15 or section 18, and may for this purpose rescind or modify any order made under section 15 or section 18, and direct that any one of the proceedings specified in section 15 be taken in lieu of any other of such proceedings, or that the rights admitted under section 12 be commuted under section 16."

    Incidentally, I could not locate any section 22 a of the Indian Forest Act.

    Section 20 deals with notification declaring forest reserved while sections 15 and 16 deal with exercise of rights admitted and commutation of rights respectively.

    You may check out the text of the act by following the link given below.


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