
Process of getting teeth pulled?! HELP please!?

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OK so i've already posted this question like twice but can somebody tell me what the process will be of getting 6 teeth pulled out at once? All adult teeth. i hate blood and i HATE not being in control so i dont want an iv. Anybody know?




  1. the blood going to go every where ! and it will hurt really bad omfg good luck dude ehh

  2. Well i got one tooth pulled and it is not bad.  You go there and you you need to sit in the waiting room.  Then when you go in the room the dentists will talk to you about what they will do.  Then you will get your gums numbed. Ask for laughing gas because then you will for sure fell no pain.  The pulling teeth will only probably take around an hour. Then they will stitch the gums.  They will put some cloth to stop the bleeding. Don't worry though because the bleeding will not last long.  They will also tell you things you can and can not do for a while with the teeth being pulled. They also may tell you to gargle salt water when you get home.

  3. The dentist will anaesthetize the teeth first then he will use elevators to loosen the teeth from the bone socket (depending on how difficult they are to loosen, this part will take the longest) and then he will use forceps to remove the tooth, he will then move on to the next tooth. After, he will place sutures and get you to bite down on some gauze. However, keep in mind this all depends on how badly decayed they are, the more decay the greater chance of the teeth breaking into pieces which will make the process take longer. You will feel a tugging sensation and pressure however you should not feel pain, if you do let them know.  Also, make sure you eat a big meal before so you don't get low blood sugar from the anaesthetic. The dental assistant will be there to suction any blood in your mouth however sometimes it is difficult to remove it all, just tell them your fears beforehand and I'm sure they will look after you. Good Luck.

  4. I assume you haven't seen a dentist yet or you would have discussed the options with him/her. That is the best place to start with a consult and then you will know what options are available. Your dentist may do the procedure or you might be referred to an oral surgeon. Write down your questions and talk to a dentist.

  5. I just had two molars pulled on Friday.  I was so nervous going in to the appointment that I was actually shaking.  Honestly though, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  Your oral surgeon/dentist will give you shots of Novocain and you won't feel any pain.  I was actually given the Novocain shots, the surgeon let it get numb (after about 10 minutes), then he put more shots in and waiting another 10 minutes, came back and did more shots and then got started on my teeth.  There may be some pressure when your teeth are being pulled, but it's not that big of a deal.  I actually listened to music on my I-pod because the sound of everything was not something I wanted to hear.  It didn't take long and the blood wasn't terrible.  I was done completely bleeding by the next day.  And the bleeding had really slowed down within a few hours of the appointment.  The dental assistant will also do a good job of controlling the bleeding in your mouth while your teeth are getting pulled by suctioning it out.  Good luck!

  6. Ok.  I have had three teeth pulled. Not at the same time but 2 of them have been.  It really isn'tt as bad as people make it up to be.  I am not a fan of blood either and pain either for that matter.  It sounds grosser than it will actually be.  They will give you shot to numb your gums around the tooth and  they will let it spread before they do anything.  I closed my eyes so I couldn't watch them during this process. Then they pull your tooth out, but don't worry you won't feel it. They will then give you cotton to soak up the blood. Afterwards wash your mouth out with water or something to get the blood taste...  And Don't Worry YOU WILL BE FINE! I promise.  :)

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