
Procrastination is like masturbation you f**k youself! WHY DO I DO IT?

by  |  earlier

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Omg.. I have the highest procrastination disease in the world.. I have planned things and always end up s******g up things… like tonite I have plans in the early morning.. And will be going to sleep probably around 5am.. And getting up at 9am… cuz of online work… and just not sticking to my plan of going to sleep lool.

Soo I guess to finally get to my question.. What I’m looking for is and advice to help me stay on track. I have such big plans for my future.. And procrastination is not making my life easier. Any advice/comments are greatly appreciated.




  1. Dont be alone.. Communiocate with more and more people.

    have more friends.....

  2. I know the feeling! I'm terrible with doing dishes (and it doesn't help that I'm living alone and don't care about what visitors think), but I will have to do them today or they'll be here for another two weeks as I'm leaving on holiday, and I'm definitely not looking forward to coming home from holidays to a pile of dirty dishes!

    I really shouldn't be here eh? OK, getting started now, pray I'll get it done!

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