
Producing too much acid in the oesophagus going into the stomach. is corroding the pipe on the way down?

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dont know the full story, but i said i would try and check out a few things for him. has had a few problems in the past is producing too much acid in the oesophagus going in to the stomach which is now corroding as too much acid. please help doctors dont know what todo, he has had operations and can hardly eat and drink much. any help and advice will be great. tips or cures anything really. thanks in advance




  1. Prilosec (omeprazole) works well for me, but other over-the-counter acid reducers (Zantac, Pepsid, etc) don't work that well. I have really bad acid reflux when I don't take Prilosec, but there are some side effects of taking this drug for a long period of time as it interferes with B12 absorption.


    I'm not a doctor. I have some medical training, but am not qualified to suggest a course of pharmacologic therapy. Prilosec is "over-the-counter" but not without associated risks that you should discuss with his doctor

    I hope that helps, good luck

  2. You probably need fairly high doses of an acid suppressant like losec 40mg twice daily or Nexium 40mg twice daily. If your country has Gaviscon liquid or Rennies Duo you should also take this.If he has a big stomach, loose weight as when he lies down you might as well stick a pump on his stomach to force up acid.Also, place a few planks of wood at the top of your bed to raise it a little so that you sleep on a slant.

    The truth is reflux needs to be treated aggressively as the acid causes inflammation and damage which activates DNA repair in the cells of the oesophagus. DNA repair tends to be very hap hazzard and lead to cancer of the oesophagus.It important not to drink too hot fluids that burn you ( drink a cool drink immediately after) and to avoid strong spirits eg 10 %vol wine or higher as these too lead to inflammation of the opesophagus

  3. I supppose he got the meds and advice about propping his bed up at the head end about 2" with books so that the acid does not regurgitate whilst he is in bed. Not to wear his clothes too tight and not to drink too much alcohol. Try eating plain low fat yogurts as it does ease the acid. It would also help if he is overweight to lose a few pounds

    Has he had a ph test done to see how much acid he is making and does he have a hiatus hernia. If so he can be treated if his condition becomes too bad otherwise he could end up with barratts syndrome.  

    Get him to see his doctor and ask for a referral for a second opinion. barratts syndrome

  4. There are plenty of Acid reducers on the market. Pepcid Zantac are two. They work really well. You may need to take 2 or 3 to get the prescription strength.

    Its also a good idea to see a doc.  If the veins corrode too bad he could bleed to death

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