
Product recall.....a handle fell off and boiling water splashed on my face...

by  |  earlier

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I was about to pour some boiling water down the sink and pan handle just snapped off and some of the water splashed on my face. The pans were bought from Matalan 2 years ago and I have discovered there was a product recall for the set of pans I used. Is there any way of getting an exchange or refund with it being so long? and I have no packaging or receipt with it being such a long time. Can I sue them for it being defective and burning my face (it was only a couple of splashes but still touched my face)




  1. Most recalls NEVER expire.

    Try for info.

    Take care.

  2. do not sue but you can contact company and they will refund your money

  3. Yes they will replace it, because generally there is no time limit to recalls, especially safety ones.

    If you can afford the legal fees you can try to sue. They of course will have a legal team who will have more money to spend on legal action than you might have.

    To have any hope of a claim you will need a medical report detailing your injuries. As it is for an intended court case you will need to pay your doctor for that as a private patient.

    Good luck if you go to court and I hope you don't lose because the legal fees will be very expensive.

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