
Professional Camcorders?

by  |  earlier

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What are the current available professional camcorders that can shoot in full 1920x1080 resolution HD. I see a lot that shoot in 1440x1080, but I want the full 1920. I don't want an insanely expensive studio HD camera, but just a professional one. (Maybe $5k or so?) Thanks!




  1. i can remember when it took a really hot studio camera to resolve an honest 800 lines of horizontal resolution. First, you will not find a lens capable of resolving 1900 lines on a 1/6 or even 1/3 inch sensor at any price. Lets put it this way, what is the point of all the pixels if the best the lens can do is focus a blur that covers 3 or 4 pixels? A lens that can resolve 1900 lines on a half inch sensor will cost more than $5000.

  2. check this out:

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