
Professional Massage questions?

by Guest64346  |  earlier

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Just got my first massage, and i aint sure about the session. I had to fill out a questionaire and talk to the therepist about the session, However during the massage she removed all the sheets that were covering me, saying that it was normal and the sheet is an abstraction. She had rubbed my "Butt" area for about 5 minutes-kinda weird-but felt good too. She had asked me to turn over and i didnt know what to do- i was naked-kinda cold and didnt even know her- so i turned over and placed my hands over my area and she quickly removed them and massaged my stomach for about 10 minutes making circles getting really close to me, i had got an erection against all my power when she had said that was natural.(im embaressed) she kinda held it up with one hand while making those circles with the other- i was mortified- is this normal- im really shy especially when im naked- she didnt do anything sexual- i didnt even tell my girlfreind or no one cause im ashamed if thats the case Massages suck!!!




  1. Change to someone else, next time get deep tissue or similar, you are supposed to feel comfortable and relaxed, not uncomfortable. You should have told her you weren't comfortable and stopped the session. Don't be put off though, massages are a great thing to relieve stress and toxins from your body.

  2. I would have to say NO that is not a normal massage...where you in the U.S.?  There are laws about that sort of thing.

    PLEASE REPORT THEM immediately!!!!

    You don't want them to do that to someone else expecting a relaxing massage.

    Check the website listing each states requirements (They have links to the laws in the state)

    Look at line 12 and 16 on this "Code of Ethics" list that all Nationally Certified Massage Therapists have to abide by.

    I would call the police and make a report or ask them what the next step not in a few days from now.

  3. The questionaire part and talking to the therapist about your past medical history is completely normal.  The fact that she started off with you draped is normal (and professionally required) as well.  I don't have a problem w/ her working on your glutes, but it sounds like you may have, and it would have been much better if she spoke with you beforehand about how the massage was going to go.  I DO have a complete problem with her lack of continued and professional draping.  That's your (and my) first serious red flag.  And the point where she stopped draping you and then went on to touch your p***s ("She kinda held it up with one hand while making those circles with the other...") is the point where your massage actually crossed the line to sexual assault as far as I'm concerned.  That's the point where you state you were mortified.  This is also the point where you should have stopped her, because she had just crossed all lines of decency and professionalism.  Just so we're clear:  You state, "She didn't do anything sexual."  Since when is holding your erect p***s while continuing to touch you to further arousal, NOT sexual?  Were you planning on waiting until she went down on you, or until she climbed on top of you and had a seat?  C'mon buddy, good boundaries are JUST AS MUCH YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as they were this woman's.  I hold her extremely responsible for what went on, and believe me, it was NOT a professional massage.  She is a prostitute.  Massages do not suck.  People's lack of integrity and professional boundaries, and knowing how the h**l to run a professional business are what sucks.  By the way, how much were you charged for this service?  Was this woman an American citizen?  Is she and/or the "spa" licensed?  Did you see an actual diploma or license anywhere in the facility?  I would immediately call the police, and the state board of health and find out what the procedure for filing a complaint is, and follow through with this.  Women like this are what give those of us who are professional and licensed CMT's a very bad name, and I for one am NOT having it!  What is the name of this "spa", and where is it located?

  4. Maybe in was a special kind of massage, like Thai massage or something.........Well you should have told her that you're uncomfortable with the way she does it.......It's all about relaxing not getting more tense....... try shiatsu next time or find out what you should be expecting from the massage, prior to attending your session..

  5. So you paid for a butt/belly rub and your p***s was held while it was erect.  hmmmm, doesn't sound like a massage to me.  

    As a Massage Therapist, I massage the buttocks and abdomen, but my clients are properly draped.  While it is more professional to use a sheet to drape the groin and b*****s, some in America do not drape, but the massage is still professional.  

    As a Massage Therapist, most states license the therapist.  They have to agree to abide by certain laws, which include not touching the p***s, a**s, nipples and v****a.  

    Erections are common in a massage as the blood is pushed through the system.  It does not necessarily mean you were sexually aroused.  (only you would know that one!)  

    You have a choice to keep your drawers on when you get a massage, along with the blanket/sheet.  It is very simple to speak up and say "I'm cold.  Can I have the sheet back?"  Learn to speak up for yourself.  And please, don't judge legal Massage Therapists by an imposter.  

    A good way to find a massage therapist in your area would be to look for one with a web site.  That means the MT is trying to run a professional business and isn't afraid of proper publicity.

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