
Professional enough? or what would you add?

by  |  earlier

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If any of you is interested in becoming a Alpha Omega members and would like want me to keep you update of our community events through our monthly newsletter, please let me know so I can add your name to the list of our fellow AO group.

You don’t have to be a member to help out in an event; we are all working toward the same goal.


Senator of Communication –Chi Epsilon

Alpha Omega




  1. We need some help. If you are interested in becoming a Alpha Omega member and would like to keep updated of community events through our monthly newsletter, please let me know so I can add your name to the list of our fellow AO group.

    You don’t have to be a member to help at an event, we would love to have you join us. We are all working toward the same goal.


    Senator of Communication –Chi Epsilon

    Alpha Omega

  2. Hello,

    Would you be willing to briefly explain what Alpha Omega is and does?

    Also, what is the geographical location or service area of Alpha Omega?

    Victor Stark, founder

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