
Professional no-limit poker help?

by  |  earlier

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im only 16 and i love poker to death i wanted to know how to get more invovled into playin the game i wanna become a pro but also want to stay in school i guess what im sayin is how to get to step one into the professional world ive been playin online n stuff n its too easy(seriously)




  1. NEVER play poker on line. It is too easily manipulated and you can be dealing sometimes with foreign sites. You will have very little recourse if you think you were cheated and it is very easy to get cheated because they hold the card generator.

    You are too young to gamble. Try to work on other things. Gambling brings sorrow and dispare. No limit poker is for losers.

  2. My personal advice would to build a solid financial foundation first.  The money you use to gamble should be between 1%-2% of your net asset.  This means if you have $1000, you can afford to gamble with $10-$20.   You are still young, you have plenty time to do this a little bit later in life.   Good Luck!

  3. You need to start by learning from the pros. I've included a link to a very, very neat poker club. You have to prove your worth to climb the ranks; however, the best part is its all free - nay they pay you!

    The pluses:

    1. You get $50 starting capital - or you can deposit money into a poker site and get other bonuses I didn't look into...

    2. The artciles!! I feel this could even be #1. The articles are amazing. Plus they are short, sweet and to the point. On top of that they are constantly being read by pros and updated as new things are discovered - granted at the early ranks you won't see anything really changing in terms on content, just correction of typos and addition of examples etc..

    3. The advanced articles!! After you get the $50 deposit (you have to pass a free quiz first) and turn that $50 into larger amounts, they unlock advanced articles for you. You can read these and improve your game significantly.

    4. They are strict! They will instill disciplined play. Everyone in the community celebrates each others wins, especially the really, really big ones (some guys live off this); however, don't go bragging about crappy wins, they'll put you in your place. I put this as a plus because it really is. In the long run, you can't play poker profitably if your gambling.. you have to be playing the odds, and that is - quite frankly - boring to some.

    5. Along the same lines of 4, and making this a nice round number is the fact that they will not let you buy your way to the top. You have to earn it. You have to grind your way through the bottom ranks and get to the top. They will train everyone willing to learn, I started as a S****y player who thought he was a LOT better then he really was... trust me, if you want to get good at this and make a few bucks along the way, this is it:

    BTW, I will get a referral bonus for this $10, but only if you actually make something of the $50. I would like the $10, because $ for free is great, but I don't want this to degrade my recommendation; hence I've stated it for you.

    If your up to it, give them a visit :)

  4. well in person does get completely different, they vary a lot more.... Most people are usually even easier than online BUT there are people who can read your body reactions so well that they know exactly what cards you have.  My roomate is like that, he's nuts, 2 times in a row with my shuffling he read my cards like a book.. after that he told me the exact VERY subtle body details that i tend to show with certain cards and i tried to eliminate them.

    2nd people who play with real money play completely different than play money, so dont act cocky with no-limit play money games.

    3rd.  gambling is gambling, you're only considered professional if you keep winning overall, so its up to how good you are, you cant really ask for help... If their truly good with gambling money, theyd keep their secrets to themselves.

  5. First of all, play chips and real chips are 2 totally diffrent things. In play money games there are loose players who call with tons of junk, in real poker you have to not only have to have a hand, but you also have to have the other guy to have a real hand to pay you off. Seeing as you are not even 18 years old yet, i would say that you should  read up on the game and play with friends and family. Playing online for real money is not unheard of at all, i know i spent lots of my time as a teenager in underground card rooms. There are sites that list these games online. When you do get old enough to play in a real casino start out like everyone else does, in a 2-4 limit game. And once you get to a point where you have built up your bankroll and you are beating these games, you can go up to the 1-2 no limt games, then the 2-5 no limit games and so on. The more you play the more you learn, good luck

  6. You need to be of age first. Keep practicing. When that day comes get some sponsors to get an entry to the World Series of Poker and go for it. That's the quickest way.

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