
Professional photographers..are these photos good?

by Guest64057  |  earlier

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All my friends think i should set up my own photo still scared to do you think these photos are good? could i be professional? give me advice on what i need to change.




  1. Hmm...

    Some are pretty good, but nothing is exceptional.  Nothing is bad, either.  I also see some of them as nearly blown out and they come up that way on a histogram.  Like Pooky, my system is calibrated.

    What it really boils down to is how good you are in the market you're in.  I'm in San Francisco and it's a very competitive with quite a few exceptional photographers and it would be very tough to make it here.  I think you're in Kansas and where you are the pictures may be as good as you see in the general market, which is kinda a backhanded way of saying you might be able to run a small studio operation.

    Could you be professional?  If you can support yourself with your camera where you live, I think you could be at the beginning of that stage in terms of skill.  If you are thinking in terms of the work you see from markets like SF, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and the other larger markets, no.  You're not there yet, but I see no reason you can't get there if you work on really understanding exposure and you need some work on posing.  You're on the verge, as they say.  I also think you need to learn how to supplement your lighting using techniques like fill flash and bounce.  

    Many of your shots suffer, at least in my opinion, from too great a lighting ratio between the key lighting and the shadows.  Using flash or bounce fill are two standard techniques that must be in your toolbox.

    Summary:  It looks like you have the basic skill set, but it could use a little fleshing out and refinement.  You are good enough to get paid for what you do.  Back off on the post a bit and concentrate on nailing things in camera first.  Special effects, even when extreme, should add to an image, not become the basis for it.

    Just my two cents.


  2. Yes, some of them are quite good, while others, including many of the edited ones, would be a disappointment to me if I were receiving them

    You need consistency if you are going to open a studio, plus it would be good to have some credits. Perhaps take a class on editing photos if you haven't already.

    Overall. You should do fine.

  3. These are excellent!!!  You have a great eye. The only thing i don't care for is where you put your name on the pictures. Try the bottom right hand corner. That way your name won't take away from the photo. These really are great pics...really professional, by far the best i've seen on here.

  4. Hi Maria

    I will not tell you the good just the bad. It is more positive that way. The pictures where you are against the tree are the best. You have the habit of trying to hide one of your eye with your hair but not on those.

    That is why i chose them because the angle is correct, you are shooting the correct side of your face and the pictures look very soft.

    10 on 10

    Is that good ? :-)0

    You have a good eye, good composition and good cropping. So YES, you are very creative.

  5. i really like them

  6. You have a lot of really nice pictures out there on your site.  The real question in my mind isn't whether a group of professional photographers like your work and think you should open a studio.  The real question is whether you are ready to do it.  You have a lot of pictures for a portfolio.  So now you just have to work on word of mouth.  Start out small, and grow.  You're already well on your way with a lot of the photos.  It looks like you've been commissioned for at least a few jobs in the past.  Confidence is key.  Find your comfort zone and forever expand on it.

  7. i like them. some if them are really nice

  8. My main monitor is calibrated--so I think I am sure when I say that some of these photos are very bright--the highlights are almost blown. I am not referring to the outdoor photos.

    Does anyone else see these photos the same way?

  9. Overall they are very nice. You still have a few exposure (or post processing) issues.   There were areas on several that looked blown.   You need some fine tuning work on posing.  One of the engagement photos with the horse had too much room at the top and the horse and girl are cropped at the knee, which is bad form.  I will say I loved the idea of the ring shot in your wedding section.  The bride's dress seemed too bright to me, which could be the result of posting for the web, but the idea is brilliant.  Perhaps you could look into taking a workshop in portrait or wedding photography.  That would give you some training in the fine points that separate the pros from the wanna-bes.  

  10. You need to learn a bit more about posing, but in general you are doing quite well.

  11. From the looks of it, it looks like you're already there or close to it. A studio is a pretty huge expense. It's easy for someone to say, "You should open up your own studio" I think that should be consider when you're really confident about yourself and your work. A studio environment isn't a place for someone to further their hobbies. This is a business that you need to run and it isn't just about the photography aspect but business as well.  

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