
Professional teeth whitening?

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i'm getting my braces off in two weeks and i want my teeth whitened like with the blue light thing. my orthodontist and dentist don't do this sort of whitening. how long, and how much would that cost at a reputable dentist or orthodontist?




  1. I can recommend Beverly Hills teeth whitening services because they are very fast, effective and above all safe and non-harmful.

    Check them out..

  2. there are places like at the malls even where you can do this...its like 50 bucks for 20 min and it lasts about 3 months it may make your teeth sensitive and dont drink wine or dark liquids for a while after..also you can usethe white strips they work good

  3. A highly recommended method is laser teeth whitening. This uncomplicated, fast, pain free treatment whitens the patient’s teeth in less than an hour but can only be done in the dentist’s office. Depending on how discolored your teeth are one treatment will bring them anywhere from six to ten shades whiter. If the patient’s teeth are very yellowed it may be suggested that a second laser treatment be conducted to make them even whiter. Depending on a person’s eating habits this may prove to be necessary.

    Laser teeth whitening treatments are considered a more expensive process than the teeth bleaching that was formally commonly done. But it has its benefits which include the fact that the teeth will stay white much longer. It can last as long as three years especially if the patient is not a smoker or heavy tea or coffee drinker. Teeth bleaching usually last only six months before it needs to be touched up. Like all procedures this one may have some side effects but none that are serious. Sometimes there will be an extra sensitivity to temperature, the gums may be sore for a few days or there could be a sore throat. But none of these last more than a few days after the treatment and seem a small price to pay for the return of a whiter smile.

    For other effective teeth whitening solutions, you may wish to read about them here :

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