
Professionals, academics and artists against the ' law GallardÃ_n '

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Some 1,150 women from diverse professional, academic and artistic fields have signed a petition against the abortion bill Alberto Ruiz- GallardÃ_n, Minister of Justice. Among those who have signed are the writer Rosa Montero, Marta Sanz, Almudena Grandes, Elvira Lindo and Los Angeles case, the artists Ana Belén, Maribel Verdú, Marina Rosell, Ariadna Gil, Kira MirÃ_, Aitana Sanchez Gijon and Pilar Bardem, the scientist CSIC Belén Valenzuela Requena, the Pepa Bueno and Mercedes Torres Rivas journalists and former socialist minister Angeles Gonzalez -Sinde.

The signatories claim the abortion as a right and will argue that the law " a serious setback for reproductive rights and freedom of the Spanish people". They have also expressed their support for women's feminist collective The Freedom Train, which made ​​the journey from Asturias to Madrid to lodge a protest in the House of Representatives on 1 February.

"This law is front, which is behind the control over women," says film critic Pilar Carrasco Aguilar, one of the promoters of the initiative. On Wednesday, Mariano Rajoy acknowledged that there were some points " certainly controversial," leaving only the minister in his defense of this law, which criminalizes abortion except in certain cases, and it will be hard and restrictive legislation of 1985.

" Personally I think it will not be approved. [ The government] has screwed to the bottom. " Aguilar lives in Paris, and he was " amazed " with the support it is receiving international movement in Spain. " At least 50 French associations will sign the statement of support " convened in Paris on February 1.

The full text is as follows:

The undersigned, professionals from academia, culture and the arts, and to the threat to our dignity would the approval by Parliament of the Draft abortion law by Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz- GallardÃ_n, we state the following:

As full citizens in a democratic and secular country that programmatically is governed by constitutional principles and not ideological free women, we demand that the national government to withdraw the proposed draft abortion law introduced by Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz- GallardÃ_n, considering that seriously injures our sovereignty over our bodies, our ability to freely choose the decisions that affect our maternity and moral autonomy, the basis of personal dignity and freedom to which man has the right to rule of law.

Invoke freedom of conscience as the sole guiding our decisions. As free women, we refuse to accept a forced maternity, and the intervention of any professional or instance of power in our decision to be or not mothers, intervention subordinating our position as autonomous criterion of other subjects, becoming minors and thus damaging our independence.

No political majority born in the polls, however absolute that is, no religious belief, is entitled to convert the rights of citizens in crime, imposing particular ideological principles by imposing a criminal penalty.

Therefore, we demand that the sexual and reproductive health again we abide by the current law limits, that respects the rights of women on here allude and has shown their effectiveness, and generated consensus among citizens, since promulgated today.

 Tags: academics, artists, GallardÃ_n, Law, professionals


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