
Profil photo?

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how the heck does one access this control/




  1. your profile photo is your picture can be standing one or simply facial view

  2. If you're referring to an avatar,

    To create a Yahoo! Avatar,

    Go to your Yahoo! E-mail account and click on the avatar silhouette. This will take you to the Avatar Home. Here you can chose all the features, hairstyles and clothes that you want to customize your avatar.

    However, if you wish, you can further cuustomize your avatar by using a personal photo or image that you wish....

    To do this...

    You have to start a 360 page. Since Yahoo will be switching soon, check out or check out Mash.

    To start a 360 page, go to your profile and click Edit Info

    It will ask if you want to start a 360. Click on it.

    Fill in the necessary information and begin your page.

    Go to my page and where the picture goes, in the left hand upper corner, you will see Edit Personal Photos.

    Click on that and you will see where you can upload photos from your computer.

    When you've done that, choose the picture that you wish to appear and click on Use As Primary on the right side of the page.

    Scroll down and click on Save.

    Go back to Edit info on your profile page and click on Use 360 image.

    You should then have the avatar of your choice
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