
Profiting on Baseball vs. Profiting on Iraq?

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If the president and vice-president can make millions from Halliburton and the tank and oil industries that have reaped great profits from this war, why did we give such a hard time to Pete Rose?

Do you feel we owe Rose an apology? I mean, nobody died in baseball!




  1. What is your problem? Just because bush & cheney dodged the Viet Nam war & then sent our young to fight in another war that they started, what's wrong with that? You go fight, not me!  Now bush says we should have stayed in Nam. The audasity of this boso is unbelievable. Daddy hid him in an obscure National Guard unit to keep him out of the very same war he is touting now! And what if the elite & wealthy are making billions off this war. Isn"t  that  the American way? Oil companies are posting huge profits while declaring any dam excuse for the lack of gasoline.( refineries are operating at 1/2 capicity, etc).Haliburton made hundreds of billions on this war & the have moved their corporation to Dubia. This GREAT American company moved to Dubia? I can't believe it!

    Pete Rose has to realize that a lot of kids looked up to him as a great player in baseball & then learn he gambled. We must protect the kids.

    Bush must realize that a great number of kids look up to him as a leader. A "uniter" to quote his words. He brought us greater debt, a unwinable war as described by many, 200% rise in gas prices & above all, One helluva mess in Iraq & the middle east. Now thats something our kids can pattern their life after!

  2. If we are to compare the two--Yes Pete Rose deserves an apology.

  3. Get a LIFE!

    Pete Rose broke the rules of Baseball!  He deserved everything he got.  He WAS a great player, but he betted on games he was in and therefor probably changed the outcome of the game to win the bet....

    What is the purpose of this question anyways??

    The VP use to work for Haliburton.  He quit and sold all of his shares.   GWB was never part of them....

    You also know that Haliburton, AKA Brown and Root has been doing this for decades??  Not just for the Bush Administration....  Or did your ignorance of History stop you from seeing that?

  4. Funny that libs like Mikey Mooreon and George Soreass make money from owning Haliburton stock, too, eh?

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