
Program advice for a 3 year old boy?

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my husband and i have a 4 year old girl that is in dance. weve been looking for any kind of program that i can get my 3 year old son involved in (my husband doesnt want him to take dance). i see many programs for girls at a young age, but not boys. does anyone know of any?




  1. So your husband is homophobic and thinks your 3 year old son will turn g*y if he takes dance huh?  How funny and how childish.  Dance is great for boys as well as girls.  It will teach him co ordination, following instructions and focus, build his muscles and he will have fun.  Two of my nephews were in dance when they were young, their sister took classes and they are far from g*y.  The oldest one is in the Marines, married and a happy father.  Tell your husband to get over his "affliction".

  2. You Could Get Him Into Boy Scouts.

    Some Kids Enjoy Scouts.

    But If He Doesn't Like Scouts, Take Him Out.

    Theres A Good Chance He Won't Like It.

    Like I Didn't Like Girl Scouts.

    Neither Did My GF.

    If He Doesn't Want To Be In A Group, Don't Force Him.

    Some Kids Are Anti-Social, And Forcing Him Won't Help With That Anti-Social Problem!

    --Good Luck--

  3. have him learn a musical instument. i recomend the five string banjo

  4. karate and scouts are good

  5. there's karate, and T-ball. Check with your local day care centers, there may be more things advertised there.

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