
Progressive persecution?

by  |  earlier

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Does persecution start out verbal and escalate to physical?




  1. Yes. That's why it's scary to read some of the answers by most of the atheists here.

    <edit> Disagreeing is one thing. But saying that we're inbred, stupid, hate science, should be killed, our religion should be outlawed, etc., is something else. When atheists pretend to be the most ignorant " Happiest Christains" on the planet on R & S , is that also disagreeing or is it acting out hate? That's how it started in n**i Germany. First there was talk about what to do with the Jews, handicapped, homosexuals, JW's communists, etc., then after a while there was action.  The n***s were few in number when they started out too.

  2. Yes, that's how most forms of abuse start..

  3. Not always, while physical persecution probably started out as verbal, not all verbal persecution escalates to physical.

  4. yes it can...

  5. Real persecution comes in the form of the law.  

    Really, guys.  Disagreeing with you is not "persecution".  I really doubt many of you really know what persecution is.

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