
Progressive vs. Toyota body shop.?

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I recently got into a car accident, that wasn't my fault. The other driver's car insurance (Progressive) paid for fixing my car. So I decided to take it to my dealership's body shop. It took about a week and I finally got it back however my car handle from the inside is damaged. It wasn't ruined in the accident or before I took it to the Toyota dealer. I went back to the dealership and told them what happened. they said, "You think it's our fault?" Then stated that they were going to take pictures and send it to Progressive and have them fix it.

Later on Progressive called and I told them what was going on and they were going to send someone out to inspect my vehicle when I bring it to the dealership. So did I do the right thing of telling Progressive what happened? Because I never been in a car accident before.




  1. toyota body shop i go there when something happens it cheaper

  2. There's nothing wrong w/ letting the insurance company know what is going on with your vehicle.

    Progressive will have someone got out and inspect the additional damages you advised them of. They can the determine if the damages are related to the loss or not.

    If they are, then progressive will pick up the bill. If they are not, then the shop is responsible for the damage.

    Hope this helps

  3. I would just take it the the toyota body shop, and gett'er done right

  4. You did the right thing. They are trying to s***w the insurance company, which is the same as trying to s***w you since you are the paying customer. Every time an insurance company pays out something that they should not pay out, it is costing you and us more money. If they broke the handle, then they should pay. You do have the backing of the insurance company and have them hold payment until they fix what they damaged. The insurance company may just pay for the handle rather than deal with the hassle. I the dealer still refuses to fix the handle at their cost, then ask to see the next guy up the management chain and keep going until you get the owner of the dealership. Also threaten to get Toyota, the bog company not the dealer, into the complaint. Keep at it and they will bend.

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