
Progressive worsening of Eyesight?

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Im now 25 and my eyes are STILL changing. I am now -8.0 and -9.0 which is so frustrating. I wear contacts on the weekends and glasses during the day.

My optician doesnt seem concerned with my eyes but why are my eyes STILL getting worse? I thought this stopped when you stop growing? Can this cause complications later in life or is this just a bad case of short sightedness?




  1. Is your corrected visual acuity becoming worse?  If not then you are not losing vision.

  2. Normally, the "degrees" of the eye still stabilise by the age of 21. Clearly, it does not for you. This is termed as Pathological Myopia. There are no *sure* way of stopping the degrees from getting higher. Your best bets are to try

    1) Atropine/ pirenzepine eye drops (from Eye specialist)

    2) Rigid contact lenses (From optometrist)

    3) Progressive lenses (From optometrist)

    There are some unproven, unconvectional methods. Dun try them cos they will probably waste your time and money. i.e.

    1) Eye relaxation techniques

    2) Bates method

    3) Pin-hole glasses

    High myopia is associated (not necessarily caustive) many complications such as

    1) retinal detachment

    2) Glaucoma

    3) Cataract... and a few more.

    Hope this helps

  3. Maybe you have a physical disease you're unaware of. Go to your doctor and have her run a few blood tests, and maybe some scans or MRIs. May seem like a lot, but it could save your vision and your life. Good luck, hope you're okay and your vision doesn't get worse.

  4. You poor thing... -9.00...  Are you a man or a woman?   If you're a woman your eyes can still change ESPECIALLY if you've just had a baby or are pregnant..  This is common as hormones can surprisingly play a factor on this.  If you're a man, that's unusual, but it depends on how MUCH they've changed.  Our eyes can have several "prescriptions" at a given time... by a difference of even up to a full diopter (ex: -10 to -9..) if your eye is very accomodating.  But if it was just a -6.00 last year, than you need to see more like an ophthalmologist (eye surgeon). Talk to your doctor about it more...



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