
Project/ Senior Demo?

by Guest31932  |  earlier

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i have a senior demo that i have to do next year and i was thinking about it and i have no idea what to do. i am interested in things like ancient history and archaeology and anthropology but i dont know what to do. if anyone has any good ideas as to what i could do that would be great. it has to be like a year long project so if anyone has any ideas let me know please :)




  1. How about:  Is there any truth to the DaVinci Code?  There is no shortage of available historical information, pro and against.  Plus, the religious aspect is interesting from an anthropologic point of view.  It would be a popular demo, for sure.

  2. When I was in High school we had a history teacher that created this wonderful asignment. We were to invent a civilaztion. Customs, clothing, agriculture, religeon, everything. Invent legends for them. A time line. Then they disapeared. Big mystery. The assignment ended by creating a "dig" as in other class members had to literaly unearth from beneath the soil artifacts and then put together a thesis of what your people were like. We were split into groups. One half of the year spent in creating. The other in discovering. It was fantastic.

  3. You could research the ancient Minoans and discuss why people associate them with Atlantis.  You could also discuss then the difficulties of studying sites that were excavated in the late 19th and early 20th century.  This would give you a lot to research, and you would probably need to narrow it down some more.
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