
Project ideas for a high school science fair? something difficult no one else will do!

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I'm in the eighth grade, however i'm very smart for my age so i wanted to do a project that wouldn't bore me. Can anyone give me ideas for projects that someone in high school might try? I'd prefer if it were more complicated rather than less and I want it to be something that no one else will do.Thanks and please hurry I need to start really soon.




  1. I would love to see a kid answer the question:  "Does adding food color to water alter the color of dry ice fog?"

    I have planned out the experiment, but I have never seen it done.  There is a lot of complexity in the data collection and analysis even though the underlying question is quite simple.

  2. if you understand basic chemistry, electrolysis of water to create hydrogen gas would probably be a cool thing to do. I've finished high school and we talked about this in Chemistry class but never actually did it. But if you're smart about it and make sure you isolate the hydrogen gas it's completely gas. An example would be a balloon. You could show it floating or carefully ignite it as proof that the captured gas is hydrogen. The project could relate to applied science because electrolysis is a main method of producing hydrogen for use in a future hydrogen economy. I think it'd be a neat project.

  3. The library usually has quite a few books that will give you ideas for science projects. Ask the librarian where to find them. They will at least give you some great ideas and you can go from there.

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