
Projector "shadowing" issue?

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I have a Sony VPL FX-51, and all of the sudden i'm having issues with double vision. Not sure what its all about and I know it's not my input signal. The actual projector menu image is also double vision which is how I ruled out the input signal. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!!




  1. Was it dropped or jarred recently?

    Your description is a little general, but it sounds like a convergence problem (if there are difference colours in the "double vision") or maybe another optical alignment issue.

    Basically, as I understand it (and I'm no expert of projector repair) convergence means the three panels are properly aligned to superimpose the three colours into a focussed image. If one panel shifts the images don't line up and you get ghosting or double images. In some projectors this has been reported to happen due to heat related warping or shifting, but also due to physical movement (due to, for example, jarring).

    If there are not differences in colour between the two images (e.g a red ghost image) it may be related to an optical problem elsewhere in the light path (lens, etc).

    I'm handy with most things, but unless there were a section in the manual that addresses adjusting to correct convergence/alignment issues (and I suspect there is not) I would seek professional sevice help.

    It's too easy to do greater harm when you don't really know what you are doing ... and you have a nice (and expensive) projector there.

    Maybe someone else will suggest a more hopeful answer ... but there's my best guess based on your description.

    Good luck.

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