
Promblem with Ants?????????

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Okay Ants came into my home three days ago and i killed them off by windex.By not more and more is coming and my room is spotless no food cause i never eat in my room there hiding under my my closet which is attached to my whitch its impossible to pick how can i kill the,m from under without buy special chemicals




  1. Funny...I use Windex too, just for a quick kill!  Bleach works good to remove their scent trail but takes some time.  I do like the Raid ant baits.  I put them in the hot spots every April and they are gone within 3 days to a week.  Works for me!  If your spot has an edge to the outside, you may want to go look there and see if they are trailing from one spot to another.  I had that along my front door and windows and I sprayed once with Raid Ant spray and that was it!   Good luck.  Nasty little buggers!

  2. ants hate mint so if you have any mint leaves or some mint oil, like peppermint or also teatree oil put a few drops round your room

  3. CHALK!!!

    All you have to do is draw a thick, wide chalk line around your perimeter. It forms a barrier that ants refuse to cross.

    Lift the carpet before you place the chalk, and find the area they are entering from.

  4. If I were you, I'd get a pest control expert in. Im not sure if they're pricey but I know there's some kind of gel they put down for ants.

    Ants love this Gel and eat it all up....bring it back to thier little families and within an hour or so...thery;re gone. Try it.

    You need to kill them with something they can bring back to thier colony and get rid of them all.

    Good Luck!  

  5. remove your dirty laundry from your closet.

  6. put some pepper or garlic or onion??

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