
Pronunciation of the name "Amaris"?

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I've heard that the pronunciation of the baby name "Amaris" is am-a-RIS. However, I have a friend that would like the name her child Amaris with the pronunciation a-MAH-ris. Is this strange, an abomination of the name, or perfectly fine? I, myself, prefer a-MAH-ris.




  1. I pronounce it UH-MAH-RIS  

  2. When i first looked at it, it looked like A-ma-RISS. To me. But i guess it could go either way. I prefer A-ma-riss, rather than a-MAR-riss, though. =]

  3. Uh MARR iss.

    I know someone with the religious name "Maris Stella," and that is MARR iss.

    Edit: That site says it is the last syllable that is stressed, and that it is a Hebrew name. I was thinking Latin, so the pronunciation listed on the Web page may very well be correct, but then again, there are so many names that people pronounce different ways. (Augustine, for example)

  4. I would pronounce it



  5. Ah-Maree? I would guess the S is silencio.

    Or just like the word amorous.

  6. ah-mah-ree

  7. That's my friend's name, it's spanish

    It's pronounced Ah-mah-ris

  8. when I first saw the name and tried to read it I pronouced it as a-mah-ris so I guess that's it

  9. i think that however it is pronounced it is pretty.

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