
Proof reading ... so you always pray to all three persons of the trinity at once? ?

by Guest60339  |  earlier

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I aked this in a question several times before before (;_ylt=AoaJD0b9kZj4Wjn83.XESCbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080828122913AAS33UQ ) ... you don't need to read it. Just want to be sure the answers mirror the majority of christians ... so proof reading here ...

Now tell me ...

.. is it true for the majority of Christians that

... they pray to the father when they address Jesus in prayer?

... they pray to Jesus when they address the father in prayer?

... they pray to both plus the Holy spirit when they say "God" in prayer?

and ... they mean both when they say "Lord" or "savior"?

Do you?




  1. It is possible to address a prayer specifically to Christ or to God the Father, and probably also the Holy Spirit, although I haven't heard that one done.  It might happen in some traditions.

    If I start a prayer with the words, "Heavenly Father," or "Lord Jesus," it's probably because I'm going to pray about something that relates to that particular aspect of the Trinity.  So I'd tend to pray to the Father to bring justice to the whole of creation, or to Jesus about my personal faith.

    But technically, yes, I'd be praying to all three persons of the trinity even if I only name one in my prayer.

    In Christianity I think the terms Lord and Savior are most commonly used in reference to Jesus, but they can be used to refer to the other persons of the trinity.

  2. Would you believe me if I told you I do not psychoanalyze the way I pray?  I just pray.  I usually start out saying "dear heavenly Father," and I end with "in Jesus' name, Amen."  In between I address all three persons of God in various ways.  But I don't sit around and think about it, it flows.  And I don't know what other Christians do.

  3. At my Church (Church of Christ nondenominational) we only pray to God the Father, but we pray in Christ's name since it is Christ that formed the Church. The holy spirit isn't generally mentioned in prayers.

  4. no not true for me i am a Christian i believe in the salvation of my soulthrough He whom sists on the mercy seat

    i pray to YHVY (the hebrew name of GOD)

    but i pray to YHVH through the precious name of Him on the mercy seat Yeshua (the Hebrew name for Jesus Christ)

    i do thid because i am filled with the Shakina Glory (the Hebrew way of saying Holy spirit aka Holy Rouah)

    so in english i pray TO God THROUGH Jesus Christ BECAUSE of the Holy Spirit which fills me this is what the bible teaches about how to pray it teaches nothing more and God will hear nothing less

  5. Hi! Hope I dont burst your bubble! the trinity is not a christian doctrin. it does not exist.  

    try reading th ebook 'the two babylons' the writer in 1914 clearly showed the many ways that ancient Babylonish beliefs became common.

    the fact is the holy spirit is not a being nor part of a trinity! it is GODS active force or power. so not three in one! when Jesus says for instance 'I and the Farther are one' heshows that they are in agreement.

  6. God is just one. He's been called Jesus when he came to earth and He's called Holy Spirit in other circumstances, but He's always the same. Which means that I can call Him Jesus, Father, God, Holy Spirit... when I pray, but I always refer to Him.  

  7.    The trinity is a false doctrine. It is a mysterious and confusing belief.

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