
Prop/Future Wagers in CFL betting

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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How Prop/Future bets are placed in CFL betting. I am a big admirer of CFL and have the desire to place Prop/Future bet on CFL matches. Please help me with the ways to successfully place Prop/Future bet in CFL.




  1. A prop bet is a type of gambling wager not dependent on a side or a total. Props bets are exotic gambling wagers on specific situations during special events or sports games.

    Proposition bets are made tailored to the bettor’s liking.  For example, a bettor can bet on how manygoals  a specific CFL player scores, how many plenty corners  a CFL player will make, or how many times a CFL player keeps the ball.  Sports book proposition bets don’t even have to be for one specific game.

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