
Propaganda? Do you beleive everything thats going on in the mideast? Take a look at this...?

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I dont understand how this is not a war crime? They are killing innocent palistinans and innocent kids abut NOONE in this world is doing any thing about it. What has this world got to? Why is this not blown up on CNN and NYTIMES? This is pretty serious. When they shoot at a civilian that is in handcuffs. Look at this link.;_ylt=AgDNqdrAztCvDus6VbF0gzgLewgF




  1. Propaganda?

    You link to a news article without bothering to quote it, accuse Israel of killing innocent kids, when the reality is:

    - He was shot at with a non lethal bullet

    - It was at his foot

    - He was treated by the Israelis for his injury

    - It was condemned at the highest levels (by the defense minister)

    - The army is conducting an investigation.

    Propaganda, BTW, is taking that, and every little transgression Israel has done, either real, exaggerated, or imagined and shouting "war crimes!!!".

    And for the record, the NY Times reported it:

    And CNN reported it:

    And I'm willing to bet all major news outlets reported it too.

  2. u.s.a has 51 states (israel is one of them)

    the gov't send billions of our tax dollars there when we need to help our own people in the u.s

  3. The incident you cite was roundly condemned by Israeli authorities.  The perpetrator will be punished.  The prisoner was shot in the foot with a rubber bullet, resulting in a blister and bruising.  He will recover fully from this minor injury.  You gave the impression he was shot with a real bullet.  Talk about deceptive propaganda.

  4. now you know no news team will shout as they are run by jews for jews

    they are every where in usa ,thats why no president will speek out as he will lose his job and his life made worse

    what the n***s did in wwii was unforgivable,but do they have to kill just for fun ,killing palastinians is just a bit fun to them,i saw pictures of jewish kids write death messages on shells,aimed at muslim christian and any other faith,they said have a nice death

    no wonder the bearded ones hate them

  5. It's really sad. BUT I don't think this is the last we'll hear of this story. I just have to say thanks to the girl that filmed this from her house. It was a very brave thing to do, both to film it and then get it into the hands of someone who could get it seen!

    For the record though, it was a rubber bullet and they shot his foot. Painful as h**l, yes, potentially crippling but not lethal.

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