
Propaganda; who wins first prize for being the best at it?

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Propaganda; who wins first prize for being the best at it?




  1. Global warmists.  Global warming doesn't exist, yet most people think it does.

  2. Those who run the work camps ?

  3. The governments of UK and USA

  4. the mc canns , the bbc and the itv news

    they all treat us like fools and patronise the public

  5. ABC, BBC, CBS, ABC, PBS all tied for first.

    These are the REAL terrorists.

  6. The BBC.....They never fail to cleanse the news and avoid upsetting the Muslims;

  7. Faux News. That is all it is.

  8. The US government.....closely followed by the UK government....closely followed by (insert religion of choice)...

  9. I should say the pro Iraqi war mongers, the war was false even before the 'WMD's' fiasco.

    To be able to continue this war for so long under false pretences has got to be nothing short of a remarkable publicity coup.

  10. david axelrod and obama

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