
Proper Army Push up Form?

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I know my Army push ups very well and I have never seen anything about "Locking out elbows" in the PT regulation. Now someone is telling me I have to lock out my elbow, which makes no sense. My arm is fully extended before my elbow locks. Do you agree with him, or with me?




  1. Yeah all I see in FM 21-20 and all I ever hear when they read that thing at PT tests is that your arms must be fully extended.

  2. Yes. you can try to fight the wording of regulations all day long but if i was grading you and you weren't completely straightening your arm I wouldn't count it. It really is going to depend on your grader. I know it sounds bogus but i have had graders that count every rep and i have had graders that pull the old 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3 after you've done 50 and are counted for 10 he will say you weren't coming all the way up or you werent fully breaking the plane of your chest.  

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