I need to find the right bit. I'm scared to ask my trainer she would eat me alive,don't ask lol. My horse frames up nicely at the walk, and does O.K. at the trot, but my hands have to be very low and to my sides, hard to do when im showing eq. I heard the double reins/bit would be good to make her frame and I can keep my hands up but I can ruin her mouth completely. I Need a bit that will make her frame walk trot canter/fences not having my hands down- She is very hard to frame, been through lessons to help, dont work. But- My horse has a sensitive mouth and she is an overall good girl. I cant get double reins and all that. I need one bit to do the job. It needs to be safe for sensitive horses, keep her framing 24/7 and I need my hands to be up, not asking to lower with my hands down. We finished hunters. Suggestions Appreciated!