
Proper Rugby Tackle.?

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How do you pull of a rugby tackle. What is your method?




  1. the previous person is correct, although when challenged with a large apponent at pace, shear physics isnt in your favour. what is a option is, instead of hitting srtaight up, dont be afraid to go with the players momentum, ie, fall back slightly and catch the legs. in this way, you greatly reduce the impact from the opponent and gives you a greater chance of taking them down. you mite lose the confrontation in terms of the gain line, but you save the embarresment of being mashed and missing a tackle.

  2. Depends on the situation, too many variables. but as a general rule of thumb, cheek-to-cheek with your shoulder going into their stomach

  3. It depends.  The best way for a one on one tackle, with the guy coming straight at you and not even trying to make a move, is to square your shoulders, plant your feet, get as low as you can, and go for their thighs or lower legs, remembering to thrust yourself forward at impact to deliver a hit.  You can't be afraid, no matter how fast he's coming or how big he is, and remember to wrap up.  Unless you are clearly bigger than the other guy, you have to maintain leverage to keep from getting "Jonah Lomu'ed".  High tackling is frowned upon (maybe illegal?  I only play pickup rugby games), and anything else you just try to get your arms around the guy.

  4. The smart rugby tackle involves bringing the opponent to the ground thus forcing him to release the ball. The proper tackle should involve the arms wrapped around the ball carrier with the head behind the ball carrier.
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