
Proper elevator etiquette question?

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I am a big guy with biker tattoos but hate being crowded in on elevators. I have found that if I wait to be the last one on and turn around and look at the other occupants as the door closes they give me the room I need to feel comfortable. Are there any etiquette rules against this tactic?




  1. ~~It's a form of bullying using body language. You can control people by learning body language, (and whether you know this or it's subconscious), it's working. People will automatically not like you. You are suppose to give people their space and if not capable (such as in a tightly spaced elevator), then you do not make eye contact so everyone feels at ease. I don;t think there is any written rules about this, its a subconscious knowledge we learn at a very young age.~~

  2. .........then don't look at the ppl.......have your back to them instead....the others are right, you INTIMITATE with your looks

  3. I would say that is fine

  4. Hi DynaFlowHum,

    No hon there's nothing wrong with that,  ("like you  said big guy, biker  & you have tattoos").    People shouldn't judge a book by it's cover either.   I actually greet the occupants of the elevator & smile.     I'll even tell  the others please be careful my granddaughter is here & then  she'll greet them in her tiny voice.  And everyone is aware  that there's a child in the elevator.  It's some  kids that don't have any manners:are spitting, swearing, talking trash & such I in turn do my job by reporting who they are & what went on in the elevator.  But it's this kinda behavior that spoils your  ride.  Have a good AM. :0)

    Additional Details: I learned long  long ago not to rat people out in general but let's face it I also don't want my granddaughter learning that kinda behavior/language before her time.

  5. Yes, you are terrorizing people to get more than your share of space.  Shame on you, we all feel cramped in crowded elevators.  You have no right to try to intimidate and scare people into giving you what you want when you are not being fair to others.  You are wrong and you already know it.  the only question is are you going to continue now that you can no longer claim lack of knowledge?

  6. I am sorry but I have to ask do bikers normally ride the elevators on a day to day basis ?  - You mentioned tattoos so I am thinking of a h***s angles guy with an office job. -  

  7. Well, if you're that big that you might feel crowded in the elevator, a more thoughful approach would be to wait for the next ride.  If you walk in and they all shift to accommodate you, you may be putting them in the position of feeling crowded.  

  8. I think your etiquette is all others you appear to be the utmost gentleman, clearly no one knew what motivated the nice guy spotted and tagged as a man with manners politely and voluntarily he allowed all others to board  first.... your secret and the method to your madness was yours and yours alone until now...LOL...Hmmmm...You are right the last one in gets to breathe the first 50 or so people in squish together as to make sure the one bringing up the tail doesn't get in the way of the door that slides shut locking ya'll in  

  9. There is no such thing as elevator ettiquette. Try something fun like not turning around when you get in the elevator and just staring at everyone else. Now that would be funny.

  10. Cindylu ! You answered the question for me. I would  say intimidate is a mild word .I think it's more like terrorizing people with his size...You are an elevator

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