
Proper riding technique. Tips Please!!!?

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I go riding alot at a local state park.

I know the basics and can ride without hurting myself or the horse.haha. But anyway, I want to know if the techniques used when riding english applys when riding western? Its not like I am around horses all the time so please no negative comments.




  1. no their completly different, english is more complex in my opinion...i would explain but it would take too long haha

  2. Techniques that work depend on the training of an individual horse.  Some will respond to a variety of methods if they have been trained to do so.  If you are asking what should be done differently when you ride, say, a western trained horse and you only know english riding techmiques, then ask whoever is providing the horse and they can tell you what that horse responds to.

  3. Techniques that apply would be: balance, heels down, proper posture, leg aid which is not necessarily noticed (squeezing, etc.).

    By the way, not to be negative but, please know that unless you are taking lessons, you must recognize that trail horses such as those in state parks do not qualify you to properly ride on your own as they only do as trained (follow the horse in front of them). Please be careful, riding is not that simple.

    Just ignore that passage if you are taking lessons at the park and such and not just trail riding.

  4. Well, yes and no...Good horsemanship is good horsemanship.  No matter what discipline.  

    In a nutshell the differences are..


    Flat saddle

    walk, trot(posting), canter, hand gallop, gallop

    guide by direct and indirect rein useage

    ride with reins in each hand


    Stock type saddle with horn

    walk, jog (slow sitting "trot"), lope, can gallop too

    guide by neck reining (rein pressure across neck)

    ride with reins in one hand

    These are just the basic differences...some techniques are used on both english and western.

    Hope this helps....

  5. Well I know that there are different varieties of western riding, and some are a little more similar to English, but some are completely different.

    I would google it.

  6. I'll start with the differences:

    WESTERN - its more for comfort. The saddle is bigger and you sit further back. You have your legs almost straight because the stirrups are so long. There is a thing to hold on to at the front of the saddle and you hold the reigns in one hand. So basically its easier. I also think you have less control because the reigns are kept quite long. You can't jump in a Western saddle.

    ENGLISH - English saddles are smaller and you ride with short stirrups. It is harder to balance and more uncomfortable if you aren't used to it. You can jump when you ride in an English saddle and you use both hands all the time. The reigns are kept short but there is less to hold onto when you are a beginner.

    Now techniques (apply for both):

    -sit deep in the saddle for balance

    -don't tense because you will make the horse nervous and fast, and it will be very bouncy

    -use the reigns to contain energy and release when you need it

    -heels down so you don't tip forward

    -keep contact on the reigns so you are in control

    -use the whole of your leg on the horses side, not just the foot, it is more effective,

    If you are just starting riding then I would go with English style because you can go further with it and jumping is so fun! Good luck. Sorry for the long answer.

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