
Proper straight forward answers please no snide remarks. when i add salt vinegar and listen to this bold

by Guest32303  |  earlier

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washing powder it bubbles up and then afterwards goes back to a liquid as it was originally i put some a pint of this stuff on grass and a pint of this on a plant and a swallow full in my mouth what is going to happen to all three of my so called tests




  1.  This is weird my name is also Tammy Sirenev! Just had a good laugh at this post! Somehow I just don't understand how someone can have the same unusual name!

  2. What are you, some kind of budding mad scientist?

  3. 1. The soap powder contains some carbonates, these break down with the vinegar (ethanoic acid or acetic acid) and the bubbles are carbon dioxide.

    2. The salt and vinegar will turn the grass yellow as it destroys the chlorophyll in the plant cells. (It "burns" the grass)

    3. The salt will be taken up by the growing plant and the plant will die (similar to 2). I assume you put this mixture in the soil of the plant rather than on the plant leaves.

    4. You will probably be sick... the salt will induce vomiting as you have too much for your "taste buds" to cope with. The vinegar will have the same effect... this is called the emetic effect....BARF!!

  4. Wow! You really must get out more  

  5. nice to see the spirit of adventure lives on, ya maniac

  6. There's some good stuff on the TV right now if you're bored.

  7. You can try it ....  Once.

  8. What a freak!  It will definitely kill your poison ivy and remove any stubborn mildew stains!  

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