
Proper warm ups, exercises and drills for volleyball?

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Proper warm ups, exercises and drills for volleyball?




  1. The most effective warmups and drills simulate game situations.

    Instead of just peppering back and forth taking turns bumping, setting and rolling the ball to eachother you can add a third person to the mix and pass the ball to the person in the middle each time, they will then set one of the players and the third one will have to dig it and make it go to the person in the middle again.

    Another option with 2 people is to do a beack pepper where you bump the ball to yoursels, then set yourself and then hit it at your partner.  Both of these warmups will help with ball controll.

    As for drills...again the more game like they are the better results players will get during games.

    Hope this helps.

  2. This is what we do and it's called dynamics:

    1. run to the net and back to the line three times.

    2. bring our knee up to our chest walking to the net and back switching legs.

    3. walking on our tip toes to the net and on out heels back.

    4. high skips to the net and back.

    5. butt kicks to the net and back.

    Then we pepper which I'm sure you know what that is. =]

    If we have time our coaches hit down balls at us.

    When the other team is hitting and we are off we do the rocket ship with each other or sometimes we are all in a line and our coach hits to us and we pass it up then she sets herself and hits [and it continues on until we stop].

  3. if your on a team, your coach would be leading the stretches or the teams captain.. but if your not then try

    Warm ups:

    1) run around the court or run forward and back ward in one side of the court in the shape of a W

    2) get a partner and try throwing the ball down to the floor as hard as u can and when u throw it, your hands go behind u... that helps to strecth out your arms

    3) try jsut throwin the ball back and forth and try to make it high in an arch and with NO SPIN

    4) bump (passing) the ball back and forth with your partner

    5) then do setting.. (10 to 20 times before u switch to a different technique)


    1. throw the ball to your partner in an arch, then they will set it to u, and then u spike it down and they can try and bump it (thats for spiking)

    2. if u have a court, gather from volleyballs, tell your partner to stand on the other side of the court and throw the ball to u (your on the other side of the court) and u can bump it back to them... (tell them to move aorund the court so that your not jsut hitting from one spot)

    3. if u can get from 4 to 6 peole to join u, then u can divide the people, then the first person would throw the ball to u in an arch, and then run to the back of the other line, while the person ont he other line bump or set the ball... if u know what i mean

    thats all i can discribe, sry... if u were where i live, i could help u but u dont live here, so its hard to explain on the pc lol

    well hope this helps

  4. you should start with a run around the gym. this will get your legs warm. then stand on your teams end line and run to the net, then back, then do butt kickers, high knees, side steps and back petal to the net and back. this will warm up and stretch out your legs. then pair up and throw a ball back and forth to warm up your arms. when you are both warm, start peppering (pass, set, hit). if this is for practice, then we would next do passing, first free balls, then down balls, then serves. then we would start practicing. some drills can be serve receive, three passers, one target, line of servers and passers; server serves, passer passes ball to target, becomes target, target goes to serve, server goes to pass. or you can stand on a block, have the team play defense and you just hit at them. you can do a six on six game, or three on three king of the court. whatever will work on skills would be fine. for exercises, you can do coach on ones, coach at net, one player on court, coach tips, hits, tosses balls and player has to touch all. run lines. blocking lines, anything that will get them really tired. or you can have them do leg lifts, wall sits, crunches, push ups, lunges, and mountain climbers.

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