
Proper way to dispose of old spell ingredients?

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A few months back I had help from a spellcaster in trying to increase communication between myself and a long-distance lover. The spell progressed to a level that I was uncomfortable with, she wanted to continue forward into the marriage aspect of the relationship, and honestly I was just looking to get him to open up a little and determine if the relationship actually had potential.

Well, the relationship has since ended. I'm very happy with things the way they are in my life right now, and actually have a very loving, commited person in my life (someone new).

How do I dispose of the old spell work? It's a liquid concoction in a plastic container, with pictures, charms and the like... do I simply throw it away, bury it, send it down river?




  1. Burning, burial, or releasing into water, usually. Burning is usually considered more sacred, but any of them would work.

  2. I too like water for certain spellwork, but generally it has more to do with the intent of the work than the physical form of the ingredient. Assuming that this parting has happened in a way that is not destructive to anyone, I would lovingly undo any "union" aspects of the work and dispose of the parts in separate bodies of moving water. Water wears away over time, gently but surely, and is a good way to release anything that involves "emotional" ties.

  3. Aingeal and Janet have good suggestions. I tend to use running water for liquids; your sink would do, really...but if you have a river or stream nearby, that would do the job. The point is the intent to end the spell, rather than the mechanism by which you do it. The rest is just there to help you focus that intent.

  4. Personally I would pour it out, burn the pictures and bury anything that was left.

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