
Property rights & hunting........?

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My dad owns property (we will call it A). His neighbor is letting someone hunt his property (we will call it B) and the hunter has put a deer stand right on the very edge of the B property. The deer stand is facing my dad's property.....almost like the hunter is hunting my dad's land. What can my dad do and what are his rights? He is wanting to do some things next to the hunter's deer stand, such as cut wood, but he is worried the hunter will file harassment charges. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. contact the MNR CO in the area have them come out and check things out and even talk to land owner B ask him what the deal is with the tree stand .Hey what better time to cut wood but during deer hunt at the base of the tree stand on your own property he may get the hint and move it away

  2. You can do what you want to on your own land.  If the hunter hunts on your land without your permission, have him arrested.  Just because they have a hunting license, does not mean they can hunt any where they want.

  3.    Your dad is on his own land no hunter or neighbor can say anything about what he does on his own land. If I was unhappy about deer stand pointing at my property I would wait till deer hunting then cut wood at edge of land at base of tree that has stand in it. Show them you are unhappy about them building tree stand aimed at your property. They are blatantly disrespecting your dad.

                                        Good Luck

  4. If it is owned by your dad?Then he has every fish& game.

  5. We live on a farm.  I have goats (about 100 of them) sheep, 9 horses, and our working farm dogs.  The farmer that borders our property allows hunters to come and duck/goose hunt his property.  

    The hunters set up about 10 feet from our shared fence line.  That way they can blast away at ducks/geese on both farms.

    So I always go out side at the crack of dawn, and spoil their fun.  I wear obnoxiously bright clothing, so the ducks/geese have zero problem spotting the human walking around.  I smile and wave, and shout, "'s your huntin going?" like I'm the worlds biggest moron.

    The dogs (Great Pyrenees which are bright white) also come with me.  The Pyrenees keep up a non-stop barking at the hunters.

    I keep up hollering a conversation at the hunters, over the barking of the, "Awful early to have to get up, isn't it?  Chilly out here this morning, huh?"  all kinds of stupid things, until they pack it in, and leave in disgust.  

    Best of all, I'll leap up and down, and wave, point, and shout, if I see and ducks or geese flying overhead..."Look, look....there they are, do you see them?"

    If the hunters set up their blinds at the other end of the other farm, I have zero problem with them.  I will not however have them shooting onto my farm.

    The moron woman act works better than direct confrontation.  

    Your Dad can do anything he wants on his property.  If your Dad desires to walk around on his property singing at the top of his lungs, he can.  If he wants to cut wood on his property, he can.

    Hunter dude should get a clue, pack it in, and set up somewhere else.

    I have nothing against hunting.  I've hunted, and fished many times before, myself.  What I object to are the hunters shooting in areas where the bullets are going to travel onto someone elses property.  When I hunt, I go into true wilderness areas.  I strongly object to hunters, hunting around farms, livestock, houses, and people.  It makes me madder than a hornet if I see them drinking too.

    I've known people who had a white llama standing next to a red barn have their llama shot by hunters.  People with white sheep in their small fenced in pasture, standing next to their bright green shelter were shot by hunters.  I've know people with horses shot during hunting season, including a friend who had the horse shot out from under him, and the horse was wearing hunter orange bridle, saddle pad, and leg wrapps, and the ridder a hunter orange vest!

    Tell your Dad to take up yodeling, while cutting his wood.


    Permaculture homsteading/farming over 20 years

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