
Prophesy open question about?

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Is it possible that after knowing a prophesy written long ago, that we can by our actions make this come true. If said prophesy was not known. Would it still come to pass.

Last how many prophesies can be fit into multiple scenarios.




  1. Firstly:  Prophecy (noun) prophesy (verb).  Thankyou.

      1. Yes if the prophecy is within the remit of a physical being, it can be made to 'come to pass'.  2.(and possibly three) If the prophecy was not known, it may still 'come to pass' in that events may occur that just happen to fit it.  3.  All prophecies are subjective.

  2. Ooh, that is a good question, and you get a star.

    Many Prophecies in the bible are twisted strange ways to fit a particular reading of scripture.

    In some ways, we can bring prophecies to pass.  In some ways not.

    Intriguing that Jesus spoke about the abomination that causes desolation, and then said, "this generation will by no means pass," indicating that it was a prophecy specifically pertaining to THAT century, yet people quote it to be about "these here end times".  Bizarre.  The destruction of Jerusalem happened and fulfilled the prophecy.

    Strangely enough, the people of Jerusalem had a choice when it came under siege, and the Romans set up an idol in Jerusalem.  The choice was to stay within the walls of Jerusalem, or flee the city.  To flee, they had to travel past the Roman legion.  The legionaries of Rome were cruel and psychotic, and were known to hack refugees to pieces who were fleeing a siege.

    Yet, true to the prophecy spoken, those who fled the desolation of Jerusalem and did not delay survived, the soldiers did not lay a finger on them.

    So, you will believe: 1. Jesus prophesied accurately. 2. Jesus prophesied accurately by pure coincidence. 3. Jesus never prophesied, the prophecy was later attributed to him, to fit events.

    There are arguments about this in theological circles.

  3. You've seen it done before. THe scriptures of the OT were twisted to make Jesus fit as the messiah.He was not a messiah. He was a rebel, an ascended master, part of the Great White Brotherhood. Nothing racist. THey are dressed in white always and live in higher dimensions. All knowledge is stored there. They don't believe in religion either.

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