
Prophet mohamed did greatest mistake by marrying 6 year old kid ?

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and that made islam religion a very poor moral religion in todays world, do you agree?




  1. There was always a reason why our Prophet would get married. With Aisha he had a dream when she was 6 years old that Angel Jabreel(the angel that brought down the Koran to Prophet Muhammed) told him that this is his wife and it was a girl rapped in a scarf and when he opened her face it was Aisha. i dont know if you know but Aisha was the daughter of Prophet Muhammeds best friend Abu Bakr al Sadeeg. So when our Prophet told Abu Bakr about his dream Abu Bakr knew it was a sign from Allah so he let his daughter get married. she lived with the prophet from the age 6 but consummated when she was 9. back then 9 year olds were already thinking like 30 year olds. they were very intelligent and knew all about life. Like i said there was always a reason why Prophet Muhammed married one of his wives.

  2. Yes I agree.

  3. Pedophiles don't make good prophets.

  4. I don't know her age, but remember that the marriage age was very different back then.  People often married in their early teens.  I'm not defending all of the actions of Mohammad.  He did some bad things.  I'm just clarifying the facts on this particular issue.

  5. eeewww gross

  6. How much do you know about the life of Prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace be upon him), which includes all of his marriages?

    Regarding Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her), what were the circumstances surrounding her betrothal and marriage to the Prophet?

    In fact, how old were Joseph and Mary when they were married?  

  7. hmmm i don't think you have your facts straight. i believe she was at least 9 years old. I don't think that it makes any difference whether married a 5 month old or a 50 year old when you are speaking of morals. I believe much of the morals taught in the Quran and the Sunnah are the same as those you might find in Bible and the Torah. I suggest you do some research and not be phased by the medias interpretation of Islam, or the actions of a few people. Knowledge is power :D  

  8. Prophet mohamed did not married to a 6 years old kid!!!!

    First you can't said about Aisha that she was a kid she was one of the most intelligent and brilliant person ever never lived.

    then you can't  measure the age of marriage in our time with the age of marriage 1400 years ago .and remember that Mary get birthed Jesus

    when she was 13

    prophet engaged to Aisha when she was 8...

    and he married her  between 12 and 14...

    when she was having a woman body and also a woman brain some woman's in our time get 40 and can't have it.

  9. Well then almost every adult male in Europe during the same time period made the exact same mistake.

    The practice was completely normal back then. The marriage was not consummated until she was 8 or 9 and she started her period. It was considered to be completely normal.  The moment she could have babies, which was marked by starting her period,  she was an adult regardless of whether she was 9 or 19.

  10. well back then they did marry at a very early age. you was considered old at 30(think 80). so its not surprising.

  11. check the real story here

  12. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    No, i don't agree.

    And if you want talk about morals, you will find Islam in the first degree.

    She wasn't 6 years old but 9 when they married then she lived in his house for years till they have s*x together , that's as i read.

    Do you know that the virgin Mary gave birth to the Jesus when she was 14 years old and before that they say she married one over 80 years old?

    The woman in the hot areas so early than in cold areas.

    They said also that she was going to marry another man before the prophet Mohammed but this didn't completed ,this means she was ready to marriage at a younger age.

    She was the daughter of the best friend for the prophet Mohammed and the man who became his successor after his death., and this marriage was an honor to her father and for her.

    This woman is one from the mothers of muslims and she was very intelligent , she told us about "HADITH"  what mohammed was saying and doing to take him as an ideal and she learnt us how the woman should deal with her husband , told us how the life in family should be and how the prophet was helping her and learning her.

    What we are sure about it now that when this marriage happened ,she was mature sexually and mentally.

    Do you know that prophet Mohammed along his life before his first marriage never had s*x with a woman or gave a bad look to any woman, and his first marriage was when he was 25 years old , and he married a woman older than him about 40 years old and she was a mother for most of his children and they kept together till she died and didn't marry any other woman except after her death and for causes.

    and i think his last wife Ashis is the only virgin wife he had.

    he is not the man who you think.

    i'm sure if you read about him,you will love him.

    When the prophet Mohammed was ill and felt his death ,he asked his wives to allow him to go to Ashia's home and he died on her legs, i know he loved her so much.

  13. It didn't happen. That's in the hadiths, but so is the girls right age.

    We're talking about Ayesha bint Abu Bakr. Her elder sister was Asmaa.

    Asmaa bint Abu Bakr died in 73 AH (After Hijra) She was 100 years old and 10 years older than Ayesha.

    Anyway, 100 minus 73 makes Asmaa 27 years old at the time of Hijra, Prohet's migration. That, in turn makes Ayesha 17 at the time. Ayesha was married to Muhammad two to three years later in Medinah.

    Even more, there was no official calendar until years later, when Umar bin Al Khattab became Khalifah, so there's more room for error.

    Ayesha was 19 at LEAST when she was married.

    Edit: Good answer, well-considered...Did you even read...?

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