
Prophetic and lucid dreaming?

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I do not want to sound strange or kooky, yet I think I may have the ability to foresee visions of my future in my sleep. Yeah, I know sounds kook-koo. I just need some advice, information or help on this subject. I want help in figuring out how to control it and figure out ways on testing it to see if this is for real or not. Please, if you are going to say something negative either state evidence and your reasoning why you do not believe this is not possible or just go somewhere else.




  1. I think that what you are expierancing is what other people think of as Deja Vu. This is where you feel youve seen this before, and your brain will readily tell you in a dream. However, Deja Vu always happens AFTER the event, a split second where your brain tells you whats going to happen after it happened. This leads to very confused feeling and that "pyschic" feeling. Believe me i thought i had prophetic dreams too. Im not sure on the exacts, try looking it up.

  2. Lucid dreaming is very different from prophetic dreams.  Lucid dreaming involves being aware within your dreams and controlling the events in your dream.  Prophetic dreams demonstrate a type of clairvoyance that is surfacing in your dreams.  If you are getting clairvoyant visions, they could be accessed conciously as well as in your dreams.  If you begin to train to access the information in your subconcious mind, through meditation and focus of thought, you may be able to have more control over these visions.  Training of this sort when you are concious will also help you to remember and interpret your dreams.

    It will probably help if you were to begin tracking your dreams.  As has been pointed out by others here, you may be selectively choosing some dreams over others.  Start keeping a dream diary to record your dreams after you wake up.  Some people keep a pad and pencil near their bed.  Others find that a tape recorder works better for them.  The goal is to get a record of your dreams and the dates that they occured.  This will help you to determine if you are actually dreaming these events before they occur.

    Look for a teacher if you want to pursue this further.

  3. what,nowhere_…,said is interesting,if she dreamed and happened she just had a revelation dream,deja vu is when all of the sudden it"strikes"you at that very moment,however very interesting your question,and you dont sound strange or kooky,you are simply not the average.

  4. You asked for evidence from those who would be negative. Well, the thing is, the burden of evidence is always on the one making the extraordinary claim. You need to provide the evidence of your ability.

    To date, NO ONE has ever been able to demonstrate the ability to see the future. Most often you'll hear about some psychic or another crowing about some prediction they made, but it always turns out that the prediction was made after the event, or the prediction wasn't specific, or the prediction was not of an unlikely event (predicting a tornado in the Midwest or a hurricane on the East Coast is not much of a prediction!), or the prediction was self-fulfilling, or it was just your basic cold reading technique, or the psychic was just plain lying.

    If you really think you have this ability, the first step is for YOU to show the evidence. There is a great way that you can do this and pick up $1 Million in the process. See the link below.

  5. well. control your dream.sometime when you know you are dreaming, control it. Maybe you do have the ability to foresee the future? no one no

  6. you can interpret dreams

  7. Things like wanting to avoid someone and then dreaming about seeing the person near your property and avoiding them are just answers to your worries.  You can think through problems while you are sleeping then wake up with a clearer answer.  Maybe you can see a future were you score a 1600 on your S.A.T.  Einstein used to solve physics problems in his head.  Don't watch heroes.

  8. I don't often remember my dreams......Rarely I have dreamed about events that have happened in my life and went on to live them out (4 or 5 times).   When the event eventually occurred i instantly remembered my past dream.  I believe this is called deja vu.  The events  i dreamed about were never important or even meaningful in any way.  In fact they were everyday situations and conversations, barely worthy of speaking about over dinner.   I only answer to let you know you aren't the only one.

  9. It happens to me too..

    It's a gift, you don't have to control it, the most prophetic dreams are more strong then others..

    Just be happy with the gift is given to you :)

  10. If you, or anyone else, can see the future, that can only mean that either the future is unalterable or else it's already happened.  I'm not comfortable with believing either one of those explanations.

    The more likely explanation is that you aren't seeing the future, you're misremembering your dream.  It's a bit like deja vu.  Although something can very convincingly seem as if it has occurred or been dreamed about, it seems so strange when you experience it the "second time" due to the frame of mind you're in.

    One way to test your precognition is to write your "premonition" down in advance of anything occurring.  It's too often that something happens and somebody says, "I had a dream about this."  It's much less often that someone compares what happened to something that's been written down in advance.  Do it that way and you might find that the event doesn't match up with the premonition as well as if you didn't write it down to begin with.

  11. Carpe diem, and as the last responder noted, if you find out the biggest stock advancer in next Thursday's market, let me know by Tuesday.   Life has enough bends and twists built in without our input, so it wouldn't hurt to include our input when we can.

  12. Read the book of Joel In the bible

  13. " I'm pathetic at lucid dreaming." Doesn't that make more sense?

    You could look into remote viewing. I used to do this years ago. I think I was supposed to be trained for it back in the 70's but failed miserably. Around 1991 I had a lucid dream I met some girl named Pandora who supposedly was the daughter and Princess of the Queen of Sheba who by the way was really um..lucid?  I woke up and my wife at the time wanted to go to church or whatever but I decided to go back to sleep and dream of Pandora.When I went back she was sleeping so I wrote her a letter and gave her my home address. It all seemed pretty real to me.

  14. yes i believe it is possible'but its only to benefit you you cant change destiny all have one.  and why i think so is i had a car reck and all most died , and now when something fills wrong i can tell like i had a strange felling to go home in the middle of the day  and got there my house woes on fire . and on another day icalled my mother and i ask why she did not call to let me know dad in the hospital in room430  so i do believing lucid dreams and promotions . so allways figer out what thay mean thay can mean sevrel things all things have two sides.

  15. It doesn't sound strange. About 12 years ago I had a dream of my daughter's eye surgery a couple of days before she had it. It was exact down to the nurse who carried her in her arms to the room I was in. I think we are prepared for things we would otherwise be upset by. Dreams are a person's way to work out events happening in our lives. I've had dreams about fires, then there was a fire...tornadoes and there were tornadoes. If you know in your dream that you are dreaming, and it isn't going the way you want, you do have the power/ability to change the direction of the dream. As for testing your dreams, I think you may end up working events in a certain way to prove your dream a premonition.

    I suppose it could work to a person's advantage. But would you know when you woke up that you had a premonition or was it just a dream. And being as late as it is, I better get to  dreaming myself!! ;o)

  16. i think it seems completely reasonable, given that you had the qualifier "visions of MY future."

    i believe the universe is created on the fly. that's brief, i don't want to write a whole book here. i'll tell you more if you ask me. but this means "clairvoyance" is a complex issue.

    there is no "future" in the sense that the universe expands in space and time, with time passing forward representing outward expansion. humans can only experience the passage of time directly as it moves forward.

    for example, you can only get older.

    but as for "prediction," this is just plain math. the more information you have, the more accurate the prediction.

    we all know that dreams are one of the ways your mind processes the massive amounts of information it takes in. it makes sense to expect that at times, it will put two and two together, so to speak, and produce an image of a "future" event.

    but it's also true that all this stuff in your dreams is the result of a bunch of subatomic particles behaving as aggregates! and no one really knows for sure how that works. but one thing we do know: "action at a distance" is no longer just a synonym for "magic."


    this gives you something to think about when considering things like dreaming about a place you've never been, then finding yourself there one day and knowing where things are.

    the best thing to do (i think) is to "dream actively", meaning make dreaming into part of your daily life. keep a journal. also keep a diary ... but keep one where instead of just listing things you did, try to recap your day in the same way you might write about a dream. note colors or images or sounds that stick out, things like that.

    also, meditate. few things will help you more!

    lucid dreaming is difficult to learn to do, but worth it. expect to need a long time to be good at it and don't give up.

    there is enough free good stuff about dreaming and meditation on the internet to last 1000 lifetimes. don't pay for it! especially meditation.

    don't worry so much about testing it. it both is and is not real. just follow the path that has opened up before you and have a good time. things will come when they come, but you have to find a balanced between making a focused effort and getting obsessed and bogged down in details. the hardest part will be making yourself do it when you feel lazy about it or disappointed with your progress.

    and no, you're not nuts.

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