I think the surest judge of someone's sincerity as well as the commitment to their beliefs is to see what sacrifices they are undertaking. So that is my question. Can you list for me the concrete quantifiable steps you have personally undertaken to diminish the amount of CO2 your actions produce?
I am not looking for answers such as I am telling other people, or I am researching a carbon neutral life style. Those aren't sacrifices, they are indulgence in a hobby. What costs are you personally bearing to do your part?
I am also not looking for excuses such as my part is so small it makes no difference, by that logic nobody should do anything.
Lastly don't deflect the question back to me. I'm a skeptic of it. I don't believe in what Ive been told. That is the test of my sincerity. I don't act in discord with my beliefs.
Basically put it up, what are you actually doing? And how has that changed things?