
Proposal/Engagement Ideas?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend and I have been dating for several months now, and I'm ready to "pop the question." Now I just need to figure out how and when to do it. We live in the Seattle area. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.




  1. Okay, first off, congrat's on getting other ladies point of view; smart choice.

    Here are just a couple of suggestions:

    1) Take her to where you first met and pop the question.

    2) Take her on a picnic and while your talking or eating, pop the question.

    3) It is always nice to take her to a restaraunt with her family there (hidden at the back table) and you ask her at the restaraunt....when she says, "yes"...the whole family (parents) get to share the moment too (they were watching).

    4) Take her to a park....walk around...go fishing.....catch a "ring".....(note to self: Don't throw the ring in the water) catch a fish...take it off without her looking.....slowly slip the fish back into the water and turn to look at your lady and say, "Look at what I caught with the fish...............a beautiful lady I hope" and present her with the ring!

    Just idea's.....either way....I know you will pull it off just fine.

  2. Anything that doesn't include the cliches like the ring in the champagne glass or hidden in dessert will be fine. All your proposal needs to do is express how much you care about her, and finding meaningful ways to do that (which no one can answer here because we don't know you).

    However, if I can suggest one thing, I would say to make it private (just the two of you) and then arrange for her parents and family (and yours, too) to all meet up somewhere as a surprise to her because she's going to want to show everyone the ring and talk about it. Just make it parents and siblings, and it can be as casual as meeting at your home, or hers, and having light appetizers (cheese and crackers) and champagne ready as well (you can even have the parents organize that).

    While i wouldn't at all change my fiance's proposal, I know that the first thing I wanted to do was tell my mom and siblings and show them the ring, but we were o vacation in the woods with barely any reception, so it was hard.

    Think of what makes you love her, and turn it into a theme for the night, and it will be perfect :)

    Good luck!

  3. This is a very personal question. You should consider her personality (and yours) and what she likes to do, etc. Since you;re asking her to marry you, I'll assume you know her well enough to ask yourself this question: What type pf prposal would really knock her socks off? take some time to think it thorugh. it's nice to get suggestions but coming up with your own idea is the best way.

  4. My son gave his girlfriend a camera and on the pictures in the camera he was signing "will you marry me" because she is an interpreter  

  5. Is she a Grey's anatomy fan? Then do it on a ferry boat

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