
Propose a morphological analysis?

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propose a morphological analysis for this

noruso 'I eat one'

norusodurudo 'We two eat one'

roruso 'You or he eat one'

rorusodurudo 'You two or they two eat one'

norusobidurumo 'we three eat one'

norusodurumo 'we (more than three) eat one'




  1. ok....i kiss a frog, and it MORPHS into a gorgeous man!

    hows that?

  2. That's an agglutinative language, like Basque and the Ainu language.

    Always a total bugger to figure out.

    I'll have a go.

    Noruso is a singular verb. (one person doing one thing).

    Roruso is a second person version of the verb, specific to one object.

    Adding durudo makes it a plural verb for two people.

    Adding bidurumo makes it plural  for three including the speaker.

    Adding durumo makes its a verb describing a groups (including the speakers) actions.

    What language is it?

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