
Proposing @ LSU Football Game! How would I go about proposing at an LSU Football Game this season? Who talk to

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I am going to ask my girlfriend to marry me in the next few months. We are both HUGE LSU football fans and I was thinking about using that as an option. If I did, I would at least want to have it up on the screen... If not be able to get on the field at half-time or something to make a perfect proposal. I live about 3 hours away from LSU and I am not "close" with anyone in administration. I know this is a long shot but I think it would be worth it. Any ideas or tips on how I would go about trying to make this happen and/or who I could talk to about it that could directly help or point me in the right direction??

Thanks guys...

(We are both in our mid 20's and she has a 5 year old son)




  1. I hate when people propose in public at football games.

    do something more intimate and personal...........

    it's so cheesy. I'm a HUGE sports fan, but I would HATE that. Although, if you are 100% sure she would like it do it.

    I like the Hogs, So I hate LSU. We beat you last season!! Go Hogs!

  2. I'm not sure who you'd talk to or anything but my boyfriend and I were joking about doing that at a NHL game. We thought it'd be super cute and funny to say that there is a "jersey give away" and get a jersey made up with "Mrs. _____" on the back (but don't let anyone see it). Then have them call her seat number and someone come over and give it to her (how they do all those give aways at sporting events) then you could get down on one knee and ask her then.

  3. Dude, don't do it like that. What if she says no?....that would suck.

  4. I think it's a really cute idea! Just don't do it when my school, Appalachian State, plays y'all because you want to propose at a winning game.  :P  We're gonna beat LSU like we did Michigan, lol. (I wish, that'd be amazing.)

    Seriously though, I'd try the Athletic Dept. They'll be able to put you in touch with their advertising dept or scoreboard vendor. They will take care of the message for you at least on the scoreboard. Definitely ask about being able to go down on the field. Tell her you were going to get popcorn? I think that would work. ;) Congratulations! I am so excited for you sweetie!!! :) I know she will say yes.

    Question: Are you going to be proposing to just her, or to both her and her son? I think it is just about the sweetest thing in the world when men say "Laura Kay (or her name), will you and Jack (or her son's name) marry me?" Just a thought.

    Second Edit to Answer: Okay, so I really wanted to email you this info instead of posting it on all of Answers. I think I found you a good starting place & maybe even some good weekends & hotel accomodation ideas. Can you email me so I can give you the contact information? It won't let me email you.

  5. Have you considered how she would feel if you proposed to her in public like that? Being a big fan of football does not mean that's how you-really she may want to remember the beginning of your/her engagement.  

    It's pretty tacky in my opinion.

    However, that said try calling up the stadium well ahead of time and arranging it through them. I'm sure this type of thing happens often enough that they have a protocol that they follow.

    Good Luck


    My hubby and I are LSU fans as well.. I would contact the athletic department and see if you can leave a message for Les Miles or one of the assistant coaches and tell them what you have planned and see if they can accommodate you!

    You may have to pay an advertising fee, but maybe they will work with your budget!


  7. Go to their website:

    Under "Departments" you can contact the Athletic Administration. Start calling them. First you need to find out what the dates are for games, then pick a date to go. If the Administration doesn't help, just start calling all the numbers and departments. If you aren't getting good answers or are getting the run-around, you may be able to contact the President of the College, the Vice-President, or some other administrator who will be helpful.

    Just keep calling and try to find someone who is on your side. Hopefully, they will like the idea and will invite you onto the field. At least someone will be able to tell you how to get it on the sign. This may happen through the advertising department. But someone will let you know. Just keep asking, and it also usually helps to let them know that they are really doing you a favor and really being kind.

    Good luck!!

    And don't forget to buy your tickets to the game that day so you can get in.


    I love the Jersey idea (below). You could have one made for her and give it to her as well.

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