
Proposing tonight...need last minute advice..?

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Tonight I am going to propose to my girlfriend. The first time I said I love you to her we were there...(It's a very nice in ground pool, not like some dumpy 4 foot above ground pool, I don't intend to do it in the water either, we are going up to clean and tidy up tonight). When I said it, I said "I have something to tell you...what?...I'm in love with you"...So tonight when we get there I'm going to bring that up and we'll reflect on that day for a little...THIS IS WHERE THE OPTION COMES soon as we're done reflecting on that day do I say, "Now I have something to ask you" and get down on one knee....OR after we reflect, go about our cleaning...put a piece of paper on the floor that she'll surely read that says "Turn Around" (or something else, I'll take other opinions) and when she turns I'm behind her on one knee..."Now I have something I need to ask you.."

Any help/advice with any aspect is appreciated....I'm very nervous. this too plain Will she be let down?




  1. I like the simpler option, the first one, because you're building up the moment through the reminiscing, and then you just ask her.  It just sounds peaceful and romantic.  Good choice of a way to do it!  Too many guys try to be all clever and inventive, but that's not what gets to a girl's heart.  Just knowing that you gave it some thought to do it in a meaningful place and wanted it to be nice...that's what counts and will stick in her mind.  I know you're nervous, but you must know that she'll say yes, right?  So just go in realizing that and try to enjoy the moment!  My husband proposed to me in front of the theatre where we met...simple, quiet, and wonderful!

  2. First of all, Congrats!

    I would say the best thing would be to try and surprise her. There is always the chance that she doesn't read the paper and it would be awkward for you to have to say read the paper, you know. What if you put the ring box down and when she opens it you can grab her hand and get on one knee and propose. The paper is a good idea if you know she is going to read it.

    Good luck!!!

  3. I prefer the first option! I think it is incredibly romantic and if my fiance had proposed to me at the gyro stand where we first said those words I would have told all my friends how thoughtful he was! you can always go to walmart and get some floating candles too and put them in the pool when she gets there she will know that something is up but not what then you can reflect on the first time and tell her that you did all of it because after all this time you really still love her just as much as that first time and that you want to always love her as you wife enter knee and the will you marry me part!  oh you are so romantic I'm sure she will say yes...and if not...I have a little sister Just Kidding! she will say yes!

  4. too cute. I say you found the spot that is perfect for the two of you. I would say just say whats on your heart in that moment.  most women want something that is personal and unique to the two of you. do what feels right for your relationship. nothing that is something you dont usually do. Hope that helps. Good Luck

  5. I really liked the second option because it will not be the normal propose routine. And if it doesn't work out to the exact plan, at least it will be a story to tell : ) You'll do just fine!

  6. I really like BLUNTS idea of diving to the bottom of the pool and acting like you found the ring at the bottom!! I think that is sooo cute and creative. And try to calm down, your going to make yourself crazy.

  7. Congrats!! dont be nervous! i think either option is fine..

    I dont think u need the paper at all actually. You can always set urself up while her back is to you and just say "Hey i have a question for you" when she turns around she will see you on your knee with the ring and will be pleasantly surprised.

    Good luck!!

  8. that sounds adorable,

    id prefer the idea of you writing on a note and turning her around.

    she'll be so surprised too.

    good luck!

  9. the note on the floor is a great idea!! i would love it if that was done for me!

  10. I don't know any advices but wish you good luck!!


  11. Do you also plan out your love making fantasies with her too?  Sounds very stilted to me.  Good luck.  I hope your girlfriend likes computer nerds.

  12. my brother is proposing tonight too!  i like the first option best.

  13. i like the first way best.  #1-it is reflects something of your past.  #2-there is room for mishap with option #2.  IF by some chance she doesn't pick up the paper or throws it away without looking at it, then you'll be stuck there with no backup.  If you wait too long after you're other conversation for her to see the paper, then it's not as meaningful either.  

    I think that this is a great plan. it's not too plain at all.  You have put a lot of thought into the place and what you want to say..that's what's important.  Are you going to wait until you have been cleaning for a while and then do all this while y'all or sitting down taking a rest?  You could go in and get her a cold drink or something and bring it out to her, urging her to take a break with you.

    good luck!  don't be too nervous (easier said than done, right?)...if you know how she feels about you, then you dont' have anything to worry about.

  14. Down on one knee gets my vote. She will not be let down - how could she? It's terribly romantic and it's from your heart. There is nothing more perfect that you telling her what's in your heart and how you want to share your life with her forever.

    Best of luck!

  15. Both are pretty romantic, but the second one with the 'turn around' will probably sound more romantic in the long run when you reminisce the day when you are older

    With the turn around, surround yourself with candles and switch of the lights as she picks up/ reads the paper and with the "Now I have something I need to ask you...", make sure you are already holding the ring out.

    It will be picture perfect :)

    Good luck!


  16. Yes. you are nervous.

    Chill out dude, all of your nervous logistics are making ME nervous LOL!

    Listen, you do not need any complicated plan, because it will make you anxious and even frustrated if it doesn;t come exactly how you envisioned.

    What about this:

    tell her toy help you cleaning the pool or get in the pool with her and then dive and pretend that you "found something" then present it to her in the pool.

    Good luck and congrats

  17. I like the first one, where you say you have something to ask her.  I think people play too many games with proposals.  You picked a great place, now ask her.  You don't have to make a huge grand gesture, a proposal is grand in itself.  Be genuine, she will appreciate it much more

  18. I like your first idea. It's simple and heart-felt. Relax and let the moment flow or she'll notice you're up to something.

    When my husband proposed, we were sitting on a rock on the beach of Hawaii watching the sunset. As the stars appeared, my husband whispered in my ear that he wants to spend his life with me and whether I'd be his life partner. When I looked down, he was holding a ring. He had another plan all set up but scratched it when the 'perfect moment' presented itself.


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