
Propper way to hold a baby?

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I've been holding my daughter in an upright position since she was born--her head against my shoulder and one arm under her bottom and the other across her back. my mother in law said it's harmful for the spine but my baby is already almost four months old and really fusses less in that position. Anybody else heard that it is harmful to carry a baby in the upright position?




  1. Thats bullsh*t! My daughter only wanted to be in an upright position since the day she was born. She's three now and she's healthy with no spinal issues. You're mother in law is just old fashioned!!

  2. the only problem would be if the  baby couldn't hold up her head but at 4 months i'm pretty sure she can, plus I'm sure you'd notice if her head was just dropping back. Your doing a fine job. She probably sees your a good mother and is just looking for a way to help.  

  3. Sounds like an old wives tale to me.  I have never heard that!  If it were true you would think the doctors would warn you about it!

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