
Props if you got a good answer for this?

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if an animal is in a coma and its a "vegetable" can a vegetarian eat it?




  1. Yes they can. actually this question is covered in the "vegan manual". I traveld to India and covered this topic with our felllow hindu brothas and sistas. I told them to eat up and enjoy.

  2. Hahaha good question! I would still say no though, simply because after not eating meat for a long time and then having some can make you sick. As far as from a moral standpoint though, you'd have to ask a vegetarian yourself! Funny question :P

  3. ha ha ha. i don't think so!

  4. the animal would be put asleep anyway

  5. That is the best d**n question. i dont think so, but its a good point and nobody can hate you for asking.

    GO MEAT!

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