
Pros Vs. Cons Of Marijuana?

by  |  earlier

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Hypothetically, if I smoked marijuana I think my opinion would be that there are no noticeable adverse side-effects.

I want to know what you think.




  1. i dont believe any of that BS its just a ploy the government put on because they cant tax weed so they wanna stop people from sellin it and buyin it

    and the governments puppies (society) believes that BS

  2. Well let's see Pros

    Makes you feel good

    Helps you relax

    Opens up the Creative Mind

    Enhances s*x

    Eases Nausea

    Will Kill a Headache

    Knocks out a Toothache

    Leaves No Hang Over

    Doesn't make you wanna go out and do stupid things like alcohol does

    Helps you Sleep

    Makes a Daunting Task like cleaning out a Closet Fun!

    Goes Great with The Complete Season of Ali G

    I could go on and on

    Cons- Sometimes for employment you face Drug Testing, I'm Currently facing this

    Anyway Happy Smoking ;)

  3. cons-

    shortens your life

    messes up your mind

    makes you stupider


    none worth it.

  4. kills your brain cells.

  5. FUN

  6. Hmmm, there really isnt any pros if theres nothing wrong with you. Unless you call fun a pro i guess but then again its not always fun because you say stupid things and can get in trouble. Theres only pros in certain circumstances. As for cons your memory gets bad from smoking alot and lung damage.

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