
Pros and Cons: If you are in Panama could you tell me what the economy is like currently?

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My family originates from there and my aunts keep trying to get me to move back, but I am not sure she is being honest. If you currently live there I'd like to hear from you - a visit does not give me enough time to access. I know a lot of new Trump property is owned but give me your honest pros and cons. Thank you.




  1. During the past three years that I have lived in Panama, I have seen the tremendous boom in real estate prices for homes, apartments and rent. Then with the hike in gasoline prices there has been an increase in food costs, medicine and everything else too. Taxis that used to be one dollar are now a dollar twenty five.

    But the economy is still strong. People are hurting and complaining but surviving. On the radio talk shows, callers blame one man. One guy said, "I'm not mentioning any names but his initials are George Bush" and everybody laughed.  

    Panamanians have a great spirit and will always find a way to survive and put humor into the worst situation.

    Sunday we returned from a trip to Mexico. Prices there for food and other cost of living items are much higher than in Panama.

    So while the situation here is just like the rest of the world that struggles because of the criminals who have raised the cost of gasoline, living here in Panama is still better than other places and much less expensive than most.

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