
Pros and con of timeout in preschools?

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what are the pros and cons of time out in preschool?




  1. pros - gives child time to regain control of his/her behavior and puts the control back into their hands. I don't use a timer, I tell them they can rejoin us when they are happy or when they can listen or whatever it was they were put there for.

    cons - time outs are overused  - if it doesn't work, try another avenue such as reward system - you can't just keep putting them in timeout if they are going to continue screaming there.  Keep looking for new and innovative ways to help them regain their own self control.  It's worth the extra effort - it really is.

  2. *In reality when the teacher puts the child in time out, she is actually giving her self a time out instead of helping the child "problemsolve" or looking for a solution together. In times of conflict and bad behavior, the teacher is to look at this moment as "a teachable moment".

    *Con...the child has no "inner speach" to "think about" what he did plus only making him feel bad about himself.  He is learning that if he makes a bad choice...he will be isolated.  Next time he makes a bad choice he will remember that he didn't like it and will "lie" at all cost so he doesn't "doesn't get in trouble.  

    *Con...The child doesn't learn to problemsolve.

    *This is a punitive form of discopline.

    *Pro...Instead of using "time out" as a punishment, you can talk about "a safe place" so the child can learn to calm down.

  3. Pros

    - teaches children discipline

    -teaches children to take responsibility for their actions

    -teaches children the difference between right and wrong


    -children will hate you (but will forget about it within two hours ;)

    -children may not understand that what theyre doing is wrong

    -may cause some children to create a scene (temper tantrum! :P )

  4. You can't put a child time out because it is violating their rights

  5. A con is that time-out dosen't work on all kids.

  6. Pro-You can take Naps!

    Con-get germs

    Pro-make new friends

    Con-they can be loud

    Pro-Teachers are exttra nice and caring

    Con-Teachers get head aches

    Pro-your not there for very long

    Con- not enough friend time!

    ANd yeah i am all out

    but htere you go!


  7. I use time -out as an interrupt - the time it takes to walk over to the carpet square and sit - I excuse right after - this is annoying to the child and so they stop doing it behavior

  8. Pro:Learn Self Control

    Pro: Learn certain behavior has consequences

    Pro: Learn to control behavior

    Con: may not realize WHY they are in timeout

    Pro: Gain CONROL of behavior

  9. Pro-A break for the adult and child to calm down

    -child needs consquence for inappropriate behaviour

    Con-some people believe it damages childs self esteem as they are standing out,

    -depending on age they may not understand why they are there

  10. Well, if done appropiately it can work :-)

    *  It definately gives a chance for both the child and the adult to calm down before discussing what has happened and what a better solution to the problem would be.  

    *  It can be approach that both parent and teacher can use to help curb a single behavior.

    *  It allows for consistency...and children know what to expect.


    *  It's an easy out and therefore often overused.   Using a problem solving procedure is much more benefitial and after it being used consistently...can become child directed with very little need for teacher assitance.

    * In daycares, especially, I've heard "TIMEOUT!" so many times that I started to cringe.  The tone of  voice being used often causes more problems.  A child is less likely to pay attention to the discussion when the tone of voice is abrupt/angry.  They WILL become more focused on the emotion than the logical thinking.

    * I've also seen teachers forget the child was in time out so they sat there much longer than necessary.  Or on the otherhand...the child is so overwrought that really what they need is a little one on one to calm down first.  Especially with younger ones who have trouble calming themselves down as it is.

    *  Time out is often used inappropiately by an adult continuing to "lecture" while the child is sitting there.  Really a discussion should take place...with the child talking the most...after the child is calm.  If a child is not out of control there really is no need for time away.  It's better to problem solve.

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